I always chuckle when our Association sends out emails in mid to end of December with last-minute commission update classes. There must be those that wait until the last dang minute for this or they wouldn't be offered.
My preference is as soon as I can get into a class first of January, as there are new rules that have come out, and want to know them right away. Boy, this year there were sure LOTS of new rules in Colorado passed for tenants. Again, so glad I don't have anything to do with leasing or tenants! There was a whole hour on just this topic.
I always like to go back into House Bills given or even the Commission Position statements to review them again.
PS - while on this Zoom class one of my past clients sent me an email asking to meet up for dinner in a week. Guess I didn't read it completely (trying to listen to the instructor), so sold her I was in a Zoom class. OOPS, not the right thing to share. She is a professor at Air Force Academy. She said --- just like my students - not paying attention! I did share it was during the HOUR long part of leasing that I don't do!