Thoughts…Do Nothing Day
Have you ever wished you had a weekend or day…or even an hour when you could do nothing? For those of you who are still working, you know that is almost impossible.
Your latest listing or closing, or where your next client will come from are always at the top of your minds.
There is a day for this called DO NOTHING DAY. When I saw this it made me wonder…how do you Do nothing! We live in a time and society when being busy…juggling 10 things at once is like a badge of honor.
Years ago I watched and listened to two mothers play the “I’m busier with my children’s activities than you are” game. Shortly after that, I read an article about a mother who put her foot down to the structured summer classes and camps her children had attended every year.
She told them they would be busy though, with trips to the zoo, museums, and park activities. Her children were excited to have a “free” summer.
Other children have been happy when they realized they had a free summer.
Whether you’re working full time, retired, or are busy parenting, there’s some benefits to giving yourself and others the gift of time doing nothing.
Doing nothing doesn’t mean you’re lazy. It’s allowing your mind to relax…to enjoy your surroundings…to allow ideas to seep in.
Doing nothing may mean doing something mindless…almost automatic…so that your thoughts can wander wherever they choose.
The classic example of this is Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of the Theory of Gravity. It is said he came upon this while walking in an apple orchard and seeing an apple fall to the ground.
So…how do you Do nothing?
By the way, I get many of my blogging ideas while on my morning walks.
Doing nothing is hard, you never know when you’re done.
Attributed to Leslie Nielsen