Some annoyances are easier to ignore than others. The snowblower that annoys Philemon wouldn't bother me but a lawn mower would. Of course lawn mowers are used at a time that my windows may be open. Also a snow blower has a deeper noise. As a comparison imagine a 90cc two cycle motorcycle compared to a large Harley.
BTW I owned the one on the left and I kick myself for giving it away. I think it would be worth quite a bit today.
Annoyances' in Real Estate
First of all, as I believe Anna "Banana" Kruchten would advise, don't sweat the small stuff. And it's all small stuff.
If small annoyances drive you crazy then Real Estate is not for you. If you are bossy and everything needs to be done your way then Real Estate is not for you. If you don't play well with others in the sandbox then Real Estate is not for you.
Real Estate professionals work with many other professionals as well as Buyers and Sellers. Some of the other professions are Lenders, Appraisers, Home Inspectors, Staggers, Title professionals, Photographers and more. If you upset any one of them word gets around and your reputation takes a hit.
It's easy to get a big head as a Realtor when you experience success. I've worked with many Realtors who (paraphrased by Dirty Harry) are legends in their own minds. No one enjoys working with someone with a big head.