"The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind." Rumi
So you have finished your plan, you have it printed out, now what....?
If you just put your plan on a shelf, nothing is going to change. A plan is about taking action, believing in yourself and that your plan will bring changes into your life for the better. As the quote above encourages do not let your mind limit what might happen.
So, now you have a plan and you need to start taking action, but as you take action you also need to consider what you want to happen and measure this someway so you can decide over time if these changes are worthwhile.
For example, you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, so your plan calls for walking 10,000 steps a day, and eating a healthier diet, whatever that might be for you. Measuring the results might be how long the walk takes you, is it getting shorter, do you feel less winded, maybe your weight is coming down, your blood pressure is dropping, your blood numbers are improving. All these are signs of improvement so you pat yourself on the back and keep up the good work. Maybe you even decide to increase the number of steps and challenge yourself to a larger target.
"If all you can do is crawl, start crawling." Rumi
Where ever you are you need to start, sometimes setting a massive target can be off-putting. I now tend to break down my goals into smaller increments. I might still have a large target, but have small steps along the way to reach the goal. Maybe, taking the example above it is to break the steps down into multiple walks rather than one big walk daily. As long as I reach my target I am accomplishing my goal.
Likewise, writing for your blog or filming a video maybe start small and set a monthly goal of one or a weekly goal of one, but always be developing ideas for subjects and keep working at them. An example of this is making a video, maybe you interview several people all in one week, you do not have to post them all at the same time, you could schedule them over a month and end up being consistent at one a week. As long as you start you can reach your goal. Like eating an elephant, you start with one bite.
"You're going to mess up. So instead of trying to be perfect, learn how to be accountable." - Whitney Goodman
It easy to let things slide when we get busy, so why not find a partner to hold you accountable. Maybe a friend who you trust, or a manager who can give advice when you are struggling. Holding ourselves accountable to our goals is hard, but when we realize we most likely will mess up as the quote above mentions, we accept it and address it with accountability. Every day is an opportunity to start over and begin again, that is the joy of waking up each morning, it is a new opportunity to reach our goals.
So, share one big goal or target you have set for yourself this year in the comments and then come back and let us know how you are doing throughout the year. Maybe that should be an AR challenge in June, an assessment of our plans and how we are doing.
Have a great year, I know you can do whatever you set your mind to achieve, make it a great one!