Having a remote starter on your car in the winter up North here is almost a must. I don't know about the "from two miles away" part of it as I want to see my car start from the window of my home when I start it.
Almost a must applies to a lot of options a first time home owner would have on a list while searching for a home. First time home buyers often have in their head these "musts" until reality hits when the housing market and the banker say "you can't always get what you want".
New Appliances
Triple Garage
Central Air
A One Acre Yard (or bigger)
A Hilltop View
If you are a first time home buyer with big dreams you need to learn to settle. Lenders can not lend you more money than the house itself is worth so get it out of your head that you can get the appraised value AND extra money for cool stuff like a Harley Davidson. Work with your Banker and your Realtor to get a grip on just what is available in your market and at what cost.