The real estate industry is loaded with training courses, gurus and the next 'latest and greatest' way to make your practice profitable. If I were to ask you how many times have you actually gone home and put the tools to work - what are the odds the answer would be 'slim to none?' I know what I'm talking about, here - I was one of those folks who turned into a seminar junkie my first few years in the business, and I had all the tapes, CDs, and massive books to prove it! Very rarely did I actually follow a specific plan consistently. And then I got IT.
Stop this craziness, pick a plan, and just do IT consistently and methodically!
I liked parts of several plans, so I made up my own plan of action, and I've been following that plan for years. From time to time, I discover other valuable tidbits that I add, and there are always a few ideas that need to be released, as they're outdated or just don't produce good results.
"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."
~Sigmund Freud
So why do so many agents keep buying into program after program, yet never get anywhere? Because the ads tell them they will learn the secrets of success - and it's EASY. So they go to the next seminar, pay them more money, only to find, once again, that it's up to them to do the work.
But who wants to do actual work?! That sounds hard ... like it might take effort and energy. So they buy into the next greatest and latest program, hoping the real secret to their business success is just around the corner - and effortlessly it will all come together for them - and of course with little or no consistent work.
No matter how much they spend, how many programs they amass, how many videos they watch ... the bottom line is that they're still responsible for making it happen and doing the work consistently. They still need to figure out what they want, make a plan, create a vision, and work it out. No guru can do that for them.
But agents don't like that. So they jump back in to another new course ... again and again and again. Are you seeing the picture here?
If you are willing to take 100% responsibility and work consistently, you can have anything you want.
It's that simple! Now Just Do IT!