This Week…Words and Expectations
The local news was all over the winter weather expected tomorrow. Our lows are expected to be in the mid 20’s. And…wonder of wonder, we may get some snow on Monday or Tuesday!
Words are but pictures of our thoughts.
John Dryden
That may seem like nothing to those of you up north but for South Texas…ask anyone…we don’t know how to act when it snows!
Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid
(The Streib house is divided this afternoon. Odds are on the Chiefs)
Wrap your pipes…cover your plants…cover your hose bibs…check your generators! Fingers crossed we don’t lose power!!!
A new word is like a fresh seed sown on
the ground of the discussion.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Today is National Thesaurus Day. At a time when words longer than two syllables are frowned upon, it’s refreshing when I hear real words being used.
I always thought of words as art supplies.
Douglas Coupland
While flowery and poetic are not how I would describe my writing, I still love discovering a new word in the dictionary or learning more about one I thought I already knew. When I’m writing a post, I’ll often refer to a Thesaurus to freshen my stale words.
How often misused words generate misleading thoughts.
Herbert Spencer
The more articulate one is, the more dangerous words become.
May Sarton
Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!!!
What's another word for Thesaurus?
Steven Wright