I was searching our MLS for a country property for a client and stumbled upon this listing! I couldn't believe the pictures that I was seeing! When I scrolled through these pictures, my immediate thought was, "No way would I even step foot in a place like this!".
Now, please don't judge me and accuse me of being snobby for not wanting to show this place. But, a picture does tell a story and for me, this story shows way too much evidence that this could be a dangerous place to enter. Here are some of my observations as to an impending danger:
⚠️ The exterior shows a lot of debris and evidence of neglect. The neglect is a huge clue that the interior may not be a safe place to enter. A big part of our job as real estate agents is to be aware of potential hazards.
⚠️ If the interior photos show significant damage and neglect, one can surmise there are potential dangers within. What I see in this picture above provides me with some very troubling clues. That red handprint truly disturbs me. Who knows if it is something sinister but, it freaks me out. Plus, the damage to the wall is evidence of more neglect of this home.
⚠️ From the main picture I used for this post, there appears to be a lot of biohazard materials. GROSS! Not sure what it is but I can tell you that I certainly would not enter an area like this. Breathing in potential bacteria, viruses, and molds is never a good idea. Also, I would not want to risk having my shoes encounter this mess and spread it elsewhere. Yikes.
For me, pulling up this property provides me with more than enough reasons to NOT enter this home. Because the home is out on country property, I would perhaps see the property but would not enter the home. As I said before, pictures are worth a thousand words. These pictures tell the story and from the looks of them, the story is sketchy.
So, would you show this home?