
PAYBACK is a SWORD (it cuts both ways)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with people first...then business Ran Right Realty 636943 licensed to thrill

It takes more of a person to discipline and maintain composure in a unpleasant situation than to just lose it and make things worse. The pull to retaliate and pay back is fueled by the nature of the human beast and while it can perform, it will not deliver the best results plus it will be in conflict with your conscience too


Let's be clear. There are times when you have to protect yourself or others and you will know and recognize those times. I am not talking about that. There will also be times where the perpetrator will be delivered into your hands and that will require restraint or appropriate measures too. I make decision like that at that time


The law is very peculiar on Self-defense. The first thing you find out is it does not run on justice, rightness or the whole truth. Far from it. That precision rests with you and God. While you may have right on your side in the moment as you see it, that right can fold when the law is applied. The law is cold & indifferent. Watch it


I had a close friend call me that was tempted to his limit and approaching his endurance maximum. His child was playfully assaulted by a boyfriend of his ex-wife. First, he had enough sense to call me right away. Bravo. Second, he was open to reason, suggestion, guidance and seeking the best solution available.

WORTHY NOTE: objectivity is a very valuable resource. When tested & held, even more so. When "harm" is so close to you, it is a deep, tormenting pain. Endure it. If not, expect consequences not in your favor. That is the reality. Pray for none of this


By showing restraint and calling it in, the police came out siding with my friend against an adult who went too far. They admired and (favored) my friend for not losing it and because of that, applied stern warnings to the other fellow & documented everything with nothing in that guy's favor. The child was fine. Dad does the discipline, not ex-wife boyfriend. This message was clearly sent & received. BTW, if it happened again? WOE to the guy who was warned! not good

WORTHY NOTE: The law favors restraint. Then, they enforce. If you don't restrain, the District Attorney takes a long, hard, detailed look at YOU. 


I will tell you what I have learned in my life's journey. Everyone gets what they deserve between now and the time to come. No one escapes the eternal laws no matter what you or anyone else tells you. When we cry out for justice correctly, that cry goes to work and the one who hears it goes to work too


While difficult at times to do and always a concern in our everyday lives, do not take matters into your own hands less you be found unfavorable with God, man and the world systems. Know this now and not later. BTW, I used to visit all the courts often and there wasn't a person in there that wanted to be there


Over the decades in my early life, I wondered what it meant when I read in the bible: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay sayeth the Lord". I wondered: if I am in the moment, & I want to make a play, then I must! But here is where it gets dicey


Payback is an event after the fact dynamic meaning you plot revenge using your own justice with no respect for anything else. God is the only one that has that free hand & HIS judgement is perfect/pristine/deserving on whomever. Yours is not

if you have been burned, hurt, harmed or abused, robbed or cheated, your mind, emotions & five senses will be bombarded with REACTION messages. Let them pass for your sake. Remember: Everyone gets what they deserve now or in the end

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Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Good morning, Richie... I learned a long time ago that I don't have time to plan any paybacks. But I have often said that if someone deserves payback and gives me an opening to put my foot out to trip them, I would. And then there's Karma... somehow those people who deserve payback in a big way usually get bitten in the fanny by Karma. I just smile on the sidelines.

Jan 19, 2025 05:37 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

The "fanny", as you put it Nina Hollander, Broker remains vulnerable

Jan 19, 2025 06:10 AM