Weather your guy or gal won the election; it is now time to stand behind President Trump to run our Country for the next four years. I have always voted Republican up until 2016. I am not a "Trumper". I may not support the man, but I do support the office. Here are some fun facts about January 20. Bill
Inauguration Day is on January 20th due to the ratification of the 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1933. Before this amendment, presidential inaugurations were held on March 4th. The change was made to shorten the "lame-duck" period between presidents, which was the time between the election and the start of the new president's term.
Originally, the long gap between Election Day and Inauguration Day was due to the time it took to count votes and the slow travel conditions of the time. However, advancements in technology and transportation made it possible to speed up the process, leading to the decision to move the date up to January 20th
FAQs about the Presidential Inauguration, the swearing-in ceremony, the parade and more
Note: Smithsonian museums on the National Mall will be closed on Inauguration Day.
This page will be continuously updated with information pertaining to the 2025 Inauguration as it becomes available to the public.
Witness history as the United States of America welcomes a new commander-in-chief on Jan. 20, 2025. If you’re looking for more information about celebrating the presidential inauguration, then check out these commonly asked questions.
When and where is the swearing-in ceremony?
The 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in on Monday, Jan. 20 at the U.S. Capitol. Both the vice president-elect and president-elect will take Oaths of Office, which usually takes place at noon, followed by an inaugural address from the president-elect. Typically the ceremony is held on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, but this year it has been moved to the Capitol Rotunda due to inclement weather. Learn the latest updates from the 60th Presidential Inaugural Committee and the DC Government's 60th Presidential Inauguration. You can also sign up for real-time alerts by messaging DCINAUG to 888-777.
How do I acquire tickets to the ceremony?
Tickets are free, but are in high-demand and must be applied for through the local official representing the Congressional district in which you live (contact information available via Senate and U.S. House of Representatives). You must request tickets from staff members in the office of your members of Congress. Be prepared to share your contact information and explain why you would like to acquire tickets. Often, community leaders and volunteers are given priority, so keep in mind any work you’ve done with civic organizations or groups when you request tickets. If you are unable to acquire tickets, you can still view the ceremony on large video screens on the National Mall, along with thousands of other spectators.
How can I view the new president’s parade route?
After being sworn in, the president goes on a ceremonial parade down Pennsylvania Avenue from the U.S. Capitol to the White House. The parade will begin at approximately 3:30 p.m. on Inauguration Day, lasting 60 minutes. Designated ticket areas can be found near the White House and Freedom Plaza. Public viewing areas for the parade begin at 3rd Street and Pennsylvania Avenue near the Canadian Embassy. A limited number of bleacher seats can be reserved through the Presidential Inaugural Committee, though viewing from the sidewalk is free and unreserved.
Where should I stay while in DC for Inauguration?
Please keep in mind that accommodations are at an absolute premium in DC surrounding Inauguration Day. Room rates rise and many hotels require a minimum-stay of several nights. Visit our deals page to see what hotels offer.
Are roads closed in DC on Inauguration Day?
For security and planning purposes, roads throughout the city will shut down for the inaugural ceremony and parade. Please plan accordingly using the Office of the Mayor's complete list of road closures.
What's the best way to navigate the District on Inauguration Day?
In lieu of driving, we recommend walking, using Capital Bikeshare or riding the Metro as modes of transportation in DC on Inauguration Day. Uber geofencing will simplify pick-up/drop-off. A bus perimeter will restrict vehicle access from early Sunday through early Tuesday.
Where can I find restrooms?
Thousands of portable toilets are brought onto the National Mall and in front of Metro stations for the event. Heating and comfort stations will also be available along the Mall to help visitors stay warm. For immediate needs, make sure to bring your own water and snacks. The National Park Service will have food vendor kiosks on-site.
Now that you know the ins and outs of the presidential inauguration, check out more Presidential Inauguration content such as what's open, things to do this winter and more.
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