This is my 4th entry for the ActiveRain January 2025 Challenge: Planning For Success hosted by Leanne Smith. Planning and thinking strategically isn’t just for real estate professionals or other business owners. To survive in a world that is constantly changing, every human being, regardless of who you are, must be their own successful leader. Knowing how to think quickly and be able to gather a large amount of information stored in your head is important. Health and safety are absolutely paramount to you and others. Time is of the essence. There won’t be time to get on your computer and find your strategic plan. You must know how to effectively solve problems by taking immediate action and making fast decisions.
Regardless of how well you wrote out your planning for success, something critical is bound to come up that wasn’t in your 2025 Plan. There won’t be time to analyze. Nor will there be time to consult with friends via text, FaceBook, or other Social Media platforms. You must be able to prioritize your thoughts using sound judgment. Keeping information organization in your head is key. Understanding how your decisions or indecisiveness affects others is important.
How we react when a plan involving strategic thinking is necessary, can make a difference between life or death, costly mistakes, and success or failures. My recommendations are to visualize worst case scenarios. What would you do? If it’s a medical emergency, there may not be enough time. Practicing strategic planning/thinking on a regular basis can make a significant impact on positive results for yourself and everyone else included.
How do I know this works? On January 15 I had a medical emergency. I called 911 and was driven to the hospital. I am home now. I count my blessings for years of being seriously involved in strategic planning/thinking. I wish you all the best of health.
I count my blessings for Flower Mound Emergency Services