Motivational Monday…My Four Pillars
Did you ever have a moment when your heart was so full of JOY you wanted to bottle it up and save it?’ve had them…at least I hope you have . Often mine may seem a bit silly or trivial to some…for example when Justin Verlander returned to Houston in 2023. My grandson texted me and my neighbor ran across the street to share the good news.
Not so trivial was the joy our whole family felt on Raffe’s adoption day.
Joy is part of what I call my 4 pillars in my life that are important to me. They are what support me, strengthen me, and keep me going.
I woke up this morning with all 4 of them in alignment…just as all of the planets are supposed to be in alignment this month.
Faith and Hope go hand in hand for me. I cannot imagine a life devoid of HOPE for the future. My HOPE supports my FAITH when it may waver. Conversely, the FAITH I have feeds my HOPE in what is to come.
When something brings me JOY, I feel as if I’ve just taken a large energy pill. My spirits are lifted and my heart is filled.
Finally LOVE. To have people in my life whom I love and love me makes me a wealthy and lucky person. I love my country…my family…my friends…and all the many people I get to meet.
There is a charm I made that has my 4 pillars on it to remind me when I may feel down or upset…angry or sad.
Today…they all lined up…
I have FAITH in a better world, HOPE that kindness becomes the word of the year, JOY I haven’t felt in years, and a tremendous LOVE for my country and everyone in it.
Find your pillars and keep them reinforced!
FAITH is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore
To live without HOPE is to Cease to live.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
If you carry JOY in your heart, you can heal any moment.
Carlos Santana
Faith makes all things possible... LOVE makes all things easy.
Dwight L. Moody