This will be my third post for our January Challenge. My original post, My P.L.A.N. for 2025, outlines some of the areas I want to focus on for this year. I have been looking forward to expanding my thoughts on the "A" in my plan.
A - ABUNDANCE - Many think "abundance" only refers to money and success. In this phase of life, this word takes on many different connotations. Abundance for me is found in the quality of time spent with family and friends. Abundance also means time for myself. This will be a fun post as I plan for the "abundance" I wish to experience in 2025.
As I stated in the original post, abundance can mean many things. This year, my focus on abundance has nothing to do with money or things. The type of abundance I seek this year will be of a more personal focus.
ABUNDANCE IN HEALTH - My personal health and wellness have been a priority for many years. Health however is not just in exercise and nutrition. In order to maintain proper overall health, emotional health is paramount. This means taking time to rest my mind, rest my body, and rest my emotional health.
This can be achieved by learning to say, "no" to those things that can eat up your time. Some of these could be notable activities such as committee work, non-profits, or other community volunteerism. This year, I am cutting back on serving on several boards. All are good things, but, I am feeling the need to let go of many of these activities.
ABUNDANCE IN PERSONAL CONNECTIONS - In my six decades of life, I have been blessed to know people from all walks of life. I still have friends from Jr. High school, high school, college, early work years, former students, clients, associations, clubs, neighbors where I used to live, and of course, friends from this platform, Active Rain.
This year I want to take the time to reach out to people I don't get to see every day. The goal is to make deeper connections by carving out time for scheduled phone calls and personal meetings when possible. This will require some intentional planning.
ABUNDANCE IN SPIRITUAL CONNECTION - No matter what you believe in, maintaining a deep, spiritual connection is good for the soul. When we recognize that we are not the center of things, we can then seek to find true peace and love. Seeking and finding this requires us to get ourselves out of the way. For me, this means digging into my Bible, being intentional with my prayer time, and simply finding time to be still.
What does, "abundance" mean to you? Here is to a "2025" of beautiful abundance in whatever it is that you seek. Happy 2025!