I know exactly how Titus feels. When I awoke this morning and put Baby out (my dog) it was a negative 25 degrees not counting the windchill.
It's the kind of day where I'm thankful I have a warm home to live in. I'm thankful that I have a reliable furnace, and also that when we rebuilt our home after the flood we did not skimp on insulation or quality windows.
If you are from a Southern State and you purchased an older home up North here you may be discovering the value of good insulation and windows today. Many old homes had inadequate insulation and single pane glass windows. Double pane is better and triple pane is even better. The best windows made today use argon gas between the panes.
It's hard to bring a 100 year old home up to today's heating standards because re-insulating and new windows are very expensive. I remember when my family moved to Fargo ND. It was a big home (even had a butlers quarters and butlers staircase that led to the kitchen) and fuel oil was only 19 cents a gallon. My dad was making mega-bucks for the day but we moved out in less than a year due to the cost of heating.
This is one of those things a first time home owner often doesn't take into consideration and one of the reasons a first time home owner should use an experienced Real Estate agent.