
Re/Max Results -Courses in Miracles, Lessons 96-100

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Results MN#20344949 WI#93113-94
Listen along as I discuss a unique spiritual self-study program that I have been reading, A Course in Miracles. This course walks you through the connection to God and your fellow humans as we are all united as one. Learn to live your truth consistently and give yourself a profound sense of peace. The lessons within A Courses in Miracles are meant to teach you happiness, peace, joy and love. I hope that you will be able to enjoy these clips and shift your thoughts and energy, thereby attracting positivity into your life.
Lesson #96 -- Experience Peace Now
Lesson #97-- Experiencing Peace Through God's Love
Lesson #98-- Clarifications And Controversy
Lesson #99-- The Real World
Lesson #100-- God Takes You Where You Are At
Reminder not to judge yourself, someone else or your miracle. For more information on the Courses in Miracles, check out the additional videos/podcasts at or on the Real Life Impact Podcast
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Chuck Carstensen is a Realtor with RE/MAX Results in Elk River and Cambridge, MN.  Helping buyers, sellers and investors in great Minnesota counties like Sherburne, Isanti, Wright, Anoka, Chisago, Hennipen and Mille Lacs. He is a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE).

Contact Chuck by emailing him at or by phone at 612-290-3809.