There are many stories about Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. His vision of the Promised Land was a prelude of what happened later that day. His words remain as strong today as the day he gave his final speech. Many believe in his Promised Land. Today is the day we remember him with respect and honor. He was a courageous Leader.
An article I read today stated "King's prophetic words express the virtue amid hardship." Isn't that the truth, I thought to myself. I think of him often, especially because he was assassinated on my birthday. Shock waves trembled that day, especially where I lived in Chicago. For the next several weeks and many years later, his recorded voice of "I have a dream," played on every television and radio station. Sadly, there were many hardships in the 1960's, not just on April 3, 1968. The world was still in turmoil because of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, and his brother the United States Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy.
Reflections are many... Many essays were written. I wrote several while still in school. I came to the conclusion that Reverend King's mission wasn't just political. His was a spiritual quest to accept himself, the skin he was born in, and the deeply serious divisions our country faced. We are still challenged. When it comes to virtue and morality, there is still a lot of work to do.
"I have a dream," has stood the test of time. We are all created to help one another.
Author: Patricia Feager