How often are we told to draw up real estate listing agreements or purchase contracts by sellers or buyers and then nothing happens? Often this seems like hurry, hurry, wait, wait.
We know that we have established and confirmed good relationships with our clients who have shared they trust us. And yet, these documents remain unsigned.
Sometimes our clients are busy, but they still want to sign the listing agreements or purchase contracts. Maybe the clients are waiting for wire transfers to show proof of funds to signatures of other principals involved in the transaction to even becoming ill. Regardless of the reason, we as professional real estate agents must demonstrate patience in our behaviors.
Yes, internally we are thinking these real estate listing agreements or purchase contracts need to be signed. We don't want to rush our clients nor do we wish to rework the documents for new dates. However we have invested considerable time and know by signing the documents we are on the way to another satisfied client along with some financial reward.
Then working with others involved in the transaction such as lenders, inspectors or the agents on the other side of the real estate transaction also demand patience. Most professional real estate agents accept time is of the essence, but not everyone holds to the acceptance of that belief.
Possibly these words of wisdom by others may sustain you as the professional real estate agent during these difficult times.
"Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how w behave while we’re waiting."
Joyce Meyer
"Master of patience is master of everything else."
George Savile
"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."
John Quincy Adams
"Our patience will achieve more than our force."
Edmund Burke
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
Napoleon Hill
Leanne M Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent Who Goes the Extra Mile Because Life Begins Where the Pavement Ends.
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