Snout Out Now! 🐽
Telling someone to bow out of a conversation online or in-person comes in many forms and ways. An online discussion that had international participation was going in a thoughtful direction. At one point, someone disagreed with a comment and told another to "Snout out now!"
I had to giggle when hearing that phrase. First time for everything!
"Oh, look, he's really going to dish it out!"
People, when online have the propensity to spill everything, sharing wayyy too much of their personal or professional lives with complete strangers, many who are present strictly for the entertainment value or discourse. Use some restraint!
Here are 5 ways to tell someone, from polite to snarky, to bow out of a conversation:
1. “Will talk to you about this at a future time."
2. "I appreciate your concern, but I can handle this.”
3. "Despite what you might think, I'm not running a support group here."
4. "Wow, you have such insightful opinions on absolutely everything, don't you?"
5. “Mind your bee’s wax!” A gardener's way to tell it like it is, simple to the point.
Remaining confidential means being the keeper of information. When a client opens up, revealing personal aspects of their lives, listen intently without prodding. Getting too nosey for your own purposes, may illicit a negative response.
"Sigh...Nothing more to see here, let's go."
Practicing a higher level of engagement etiquette when online or in-person (especially with clients) keeps everyone in good graces for the most part, otherwise, it's reasonable to be told to snout out or butt out.
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