Or it could be Cyndi Lauper's voice.
There are a few common reasons for a squeak in a home, they are:
Door hinges: Easy to fix or just live with. Using a lubricant is cheap and easy but draws dirt and dust to the problem. Our front door squeaks loudly but we let it go as we certainly know when someone has entered out home.
Floor boards: NOT easy to fix, especially on a home without a basement or a home with a finished basement. One needs to weigh the annoyance against the cost of fixing this problem.
Mice: Fairly easy to fix. A little peanut butter on a traditional mouse trap is what I use. I have had a couple of mice wander onto the glue traps I use to catch insects and spiders and I hate to see this as I don't feel it is a humane way to do away with them. I have never used poisons as that is also inhumane in my book.
If you are a new homeowner and you are wondering about this or that in your new home check YouTube for a possible solution and you may save a lot of money by doing it yourself.