
RULE-PLAYER or RULE -SLAYER? (life question)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with people first...then business Ran Right Realty 636943 licensed to thrill

The nature of every activity, organization and game is defined by the rules. Change the rules ever so slightly and the game changes accordingly. Think: there is only one way to play monopoly which is as defined. Change the rules and a different monopoly, chess or baseball game is at work. Who changes the rules you ask?


Humans take the rules and some play accordingly. Fine. It's the ones that don't is where we need to brush up a bit. We have what I call "conduct in common" where we all agree to something. We cannot change anyone from the inside. All we can do is influence the outside and hope for the best. THINK: role model.

WORTHY NOTE: For those that take liberties, law enforcement, the courts & penalties may help/hinder. It is best to conform where acceptable or expected. Rebel on your own time LOL


Human nature is a wild card in everything. It is so unpredictable and predictable and remains a paradox of a sorts. You see in normal situations; people tend to be consistent. But should their emotions or radical thinking kick in, well the birds don't fly south anymore but wherever they want to or end up at. Very hard to track that behavior if rogue or newly defined. People are a puzzlement at times

WORTHY NOTE: Learning curves, trial & error, ignorance, lack of instruction or education PLUS none of us have been here before make for interesting interactions. Wherever you go, there they are "people". Get good at navigating


Police, medical personnel, military and customer service people are all trained in the processes, rules, applications and delivery of their beliefs or commitments of practice. But that is not enough. They also must receive special training on how to apply it under certain conditions as people react and respond differently. No one way fits all. So what then? Common sense, think on your feet & risk, all play a part


The military uses a strict rule of engagement with standing orders to fire if fired upon. Doctors and medical personnel will not treat hysterical people without administering a sedative or calming them down. Police have to contend with the unexpected, argumentative, sometimes combative and all times risky responses when practicing their career commitments. Show me your hands remains paramount and non-negotiable but not always as easy in the field to apply

WORTHY NOTE: People are within themselves, in different places & times than another. I may know what you may not, but one day will. Allowances are key


It is not enough to know the rule etc. You must at some point become aware of how those rules hit the road and interact with people and adjust accordingly. That is what makes working with the general public challenging at times. It never lets up this thing called human nature and having the rules under which we can hold each other accountable is a good start. Repetition plays a part here too

WORTHY NOTE: Small print, signs & being told "ignorance is no excuse" doesn't help anyone "get it". Right now, YOU are violating some law on the books?


Who knows what is required, works or is even desired when interacting with another adult let's say regarding intimacy? What we do is find out by going toward each other, inquiring & asking questions. Called dating or courting, it is vital in the getting to know you stage assuming we want fulfillment & satisfaction


We know more about what doesn't work than what does when it comes to people who are all different. Time, patience & allowances are vital to success, or we fail & have to begin again. Humility may reduce failure & begin again dynamics

WORHTY NOTE: In the dating world, a second date is controversial. Do we want to revisit, improve or correct or want another bite at the apple. Do we change or repeat first experience. The answers are found in communicating & investing more


Ultimately, until we all key into our common sense (common ground) and then agree to abide by that (with allowances), we will be forced to administer the accepted rules until we adapt or customize to the moment. Love may help do it 

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Liz and Bill Spear
Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305 - Mason, OH
Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs

Richie, I think for the most part people in the Rain understand the rules (although some may feel the need to enforce rules that aren't actually rules).  Outside of the community, I generally don't have much use for the people that break the rules to the detriment of the rest of society. 

In my Navy days, lots of training/drills.  Repeat to get better.  Repeat to make it automatic in how to respond.  Find out where each member performs best and have others trained as alternates.
I read an article today about someone making decent money on side gigs, but one of the things he mentioned was making posts on Reddit that were against the community rules, KNOWING they'd get taken down, but trying to get a client here and there with his repeated rule breaking posts.  Can't say I had much respect for the man after reading that.

Jan 22, 2025 08:10 PM
Richard Alan Naggar

Welcome Liz and Bill Spear ...very good share with meat on the bone thank you. The human nature gives pain & pleasure like your hot & cold faucet does depending on which handle is engaged. Perhaps a combo of warm water pleases everyone? Life remains like manna i.e. satisfying

Jan 23, 2025 07:15 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Search and Rescue organizations have access to studies that show how people would normally act in a situation. This information might be useful in trying to find someone. In other words, a 70 year old male will usually only go x miles from starting point and travel in a certain direction (I made that up, I don't know what the actual data says). But the point is, the lost person OFTEN does not do what is expected. So you never know how a person will react.

As for rules, in general, they are there for a reason. But sometimes things that are seen as rules should be questioned and perhaps not followed. As with everything else, it all depends.

Jan 23, 2025 05:14 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

You just enhanced the many points of the core of the posting kitty Kat Palmiotti .The greater source or power (mankind) will perform as to when, how, where, what who & why, who knows?...the saga of life continues thank you Kat. Good meow here

Jan 23, 2025 07:12 AM