
THE MYSTERY of YOU (one of a kind)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with people first...then business Ran Right Realty 636943 licensed to thrill

I am talking about figuring yourself out. Who you are, what you like and what you do best & why? You see it bears repeating that there is not another YOU in the Universe which makes YOU special. For those of us who back burner this subject, the mid-life crisis (for females MENOPAUSE) & (for males a type of senseless roaming around until they hit walls) will cause you to visit with this subject matter eventually. Sooner the better I might add

WORTHY NOTE: You are not your thoughts, opinion or what others say you are

START HERE:  we grew too fast

We grow up too fast for many different reasons, some good & some not so good. But the fact is that whatever happened, at some point, we all must seize our own ship & plot are own course. No more winds of blame or excuses driven by complaint, NO. You can only wander around for so long. Activate/seek purpose


What you will find when you spend quality time with yourself (whatever that is) is fascinating & revealing. I have seen so many people in different roles that just don't handle it right, yet they stay there & even become complacent. That doesn't arouse the adventurous spirit or lead to much inner growth. Even the seed must break through the ground & the little chick must peck through the shell. Hanging out until then doesn't cut it. Deliberate action leads the way. Put legs on life!


We are after & seeking out something called WELL-BEING. It is as simple as that. Finding what makes YOU happy & content first, & then taking on or letting go what works or doesn't, gives a sense of living & not just existing.  Called engaging


For those of you who grew up too fast, it is never too late to return to the land of being a child. Re-visiting anything you did or saw growing up will accomplish that. A sure fire quick-connect to your inner child is either to eat an ice cream or have yourself a lollipop. Instant kid feelings are on you. Remember the kid? it's still there


It is very easy to get caught up in the world and all its dynamics both good and not so good. Making a living pulls on us relentlessly. For others, raising a family can be a chore. Then there is the pursuing of things that we think will solve all our problems. Welcome to life 101. I only have this to add to your thoughts


We have all our lives to figure things out. If a person can think it, it can be done especially here in America. Why put the rush on anything? I know people like to do things to get them over with, but then, that was your journey in disguise. Moderation & patience deliver everything to you. Clear the path to your door

WHAT AWAITS and will always be there

Once you discover your likes, dislikes, the power to choose without guilt, being happy no matter what, learning how to give as well as receive & letting go of things, YOU, the real one of kind, that special decent person that is entitled to all life has to offer YOU will have solved the pleasurable mystery of YOU. Ahh, but that is just the beginning

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Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

I get it, Richie... fortunately, I'm old enough now that I don't have think too hard anymore about my journey in life, my likes, my dislikes, concern about whether someone likes me or not, etc. I am who I am and don't apologize for it... besides why be anything else than myself? Everyone else is already taken.

Jan 23, 2025 08:34 AM
Deepak Chauhan Asso-Broker, MLO

Nina Hollander, Broker Why not just say, "I am the way He made me—how could He be wrong?". 

Jan 23, 2025 09:31 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker

Deepak Chauhan Asso-Broker, MLO I'll buy that, Deepak!

Jan 23, 2025 10:00 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

The posting is graced by Nina Hollander, Broker and Deepak two decent people. Nina, as we visit with this subject, you will learn more about God & His thinking when it came to you. This applies to everyone dear lady

Jan 23, 2025 10:28 AM
Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

Thank you for the great information. Have a fantastic week!


Bill Salvatore, Realtor

Arizona Elite Properties

#AZVHV / Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans

Jan 23, 2025 09:55 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

Ladies & gentleman Bill Salvatore - East Valley your go-to in Arizona

Jan 23, 2025 10:25 AM
Doug Rogers
RE/MAX Coastal Properties - Destin, FL
Your Real Estate Resource!

One of the things I like about aging is I find myself caring LESS about what those outside of my tight circle think. It's been liberating. Awesome post as always! 

Jan 23, 2025 10:59 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

You know Doug, if one accepts growing old gracefully, they will find so many positives including what you mentioned in your decent commenting. Nina Hollander, Broker ...voices a similar, liberating boast & I join you both. Life remains good Doug Rogers thank you

Jan 23, 2025 11:15 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Richie - ponder-worthy thoughts.  "Mystery" is an interesting word.  And like the direction a definition of it in this context, it can take a circuitous road to self-discovery for some.   

Jan 24, 2025 02:21 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

You are on to something Michael Jacobs with your worthy commenting as thee word "mystery" is another word for God. Thanks for coming by M.J.

Jan 24, 2025 06:13 AM
Joe Mojica
Laer Realty Partners Bowen - Port St Lucie, FL
Your Home Adds Value to You

Richard, there is a lot of truth to the points made in your blog. What resonated with me was:  PEACE, CONTENTMENT, AND PURPOSE

We are after & seeking out something called WELL-BEING. It is as simple as that. Finding what makes YOU happy & content first, & then taking on or letting go what works or doesn't, gives a sense of living & not just existing.  Called engaging

Engaging is how I choose to live, I don't care what others think.

Jan 24, 2025 11:02 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

I am enjoying your journey & appreciate your sharing of it. Keep up the adventuring & exploring Joe Mojica . Your blessings await you

Jan 24, 2025 11:10 AM