We've all seen this.
'Suspects not prospects' will send a text or email and ask:
"Will the seller take X (usually pennies on the dollar)?"
What they may intend is for seller to counter them back and begin negotiations.
But what I tell our seller clients is:
First thing, throwing out 'just a dollar amount' is FISHING.
Offers are about more than just the money.
How many of you brokers have had a LOWER offer than the others end up selected, because the terms were more attractive to the seller? Earnest money substantial. Known, trusted financing. Timeframe made sense. The buyer was assuming some of seller's risk in exchange for a lower dollar deal. Or maybe the buyer was more serious and professional than the others. So many variables.
Speaking of money - how would anyone know they HAVE the money without proof of funds?
Put it in writing. LOI is more than sufficient at first, but get the basic TERMS out there for the seller to see who you are and what you want . . .
That's how to get your 'offer' taken seriously.
Otherwise, I tell prospects "The best you can hope for IS a counter, and if you get a rejection or simply ignored . . .
that screams loudly.