
Ask An Ambassador: Win-Win Compatibility

Real Estate Agent with Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305 SAL.2002007747

A byproduct of being backyard beekeepers is a surplus of honey.  10+ hives make more honey then we'll consume, ever.  Properly stored honey will last long past my lifetime, so we give some away as closing gifts, and sell a bit too and that puts a small dent in our annual beekeeping expenses.  We don't advertise our honey, it's word of mouth and having a compatible partner. 

In this case our compatible partner is the medical office we visit.  They're more into general wellness than the typical mainstream doctor's office.  Identify what is out of balance with the body and find ways to rebalance, and the first reaction isn't to prescribe another medication.  So what's a natural fit for them to offer?  Our raw honey.  We've strained out the assorted bee parts that come with harvesting honey, but otherwise our honey is just as it comes out of the comb.  It's not been heated, and it certainly doesn't have "extra" sweeteners and other additives that are alleged for some supermarket honey supplies.  Our honey is compatible with the general approach of the medical office.  We have a small set up in the waiting room offering pint and quart jars of honey with Venmo or Paypal options.  We keep the office supplied , and they don't charge us a cut of our sales because they like being able to offer local raw honey to their clients.  It's a real win-win for the office and us.

I look for the same win-win in our business partnerships.

My brokerage has to be aligned with how we do business.  We're not newbie agents, and we have compatible business partners for home inspections, lenders, contractors, new construction builder reps, etc.   Businesses that we know will take top care of our clients.  A brokerage that wants to interfere in these long established relationships isn't going to be compatible.

I look for compatible people to interact with in the Rain.  I'm not 100% compatible with everyone here, and that's okay. 

I'm going to lean into people that keep a positive outlook, even when things could be better.  I'm going to lean into people that provide a sincere comment. I'm going to lean into people that demonstrate they know their market.  I'm going to lean into people that share knowledge with blog posts, Zoom meetings, answers in Q&A, etc.  Anyone that adds true value to this community is someone I want to know.

I'm going to lean away from people that aren't compatible and steal the joy from others with negative comments and looking for a fight.  If I wanted that, I could find it easily elsewhere.

Finding compatible people is why I come back every day.  I'll take honey over vinegar.

Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,

Bill & Liz aka BLiz

Posted by

Serving Warren County Ohio & Adjacent Areas

The Liz Spear Team of Transaction Alliance
Elizabeth Spear, ABR, Ohio License SAL.2002007747

William (Bill) Spear, Ohio License SAL.2004011109  Kentucky 77938
Ask for us by name if you visit the office!

Bill Direct:  513-520-5305
Liz Direct: 513-265-3004     
Fax: 866-302-8418


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Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Excellent post! I love the story of your honey at the doctors office, and I'm glad you have a doctor that isn't all about pills. And yes, ensuring those we work with or recommend are compatible with our business practices is an excellent way to work.

Jan 28, 2025 09:23 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Once we move there is property tax reduction for agricultural use, and bees qualify.  We'd have to sell a minimum of $500 annually, so thinking we'll be looking for similar doctor's offices & businesses once we have settled in and had a harvest of WV honey.

Jan 28, 2025 09:30 AM
Carol Williams
Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA

Hi Bill,
One of the biggest mistakes new agents make is trying to attract anyone and everyone as a prospective client. Eventually, we all learn that we must be discerning to attract compatible prospects that benefit both parties. We can't be everything to everyone.

Your philosophy here on ActiveRain is spot on! I love the “honey over vinegar” approach. Leaning into positivity, sincere connections, and shared knowledge is what makes this community so special. I think we can all agree that this world needs more sweetness and less sting!

Jan 28, 2025 09:39 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Carol, I think that may be one of the hardest lessons for new agents to learn:  not everyone should be our client.  I worked with people that completely wasted my time, drove up my stress levels, etc.  Now I recognize the red flags and practice catch and release prospecting :)

Jan 28, 2025 09:44 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Bill (and Liz too) - bee-ing and staying aware of the community and what gets the right sort of attention in this, or any meetup situation is important.  Obviously, there are all sorts of inhabitants who are to bee avoided and who hive a sting-y approach to busy-ness in all its aspects.  Now, it's time to buzz off lest I drone on too much longer.  🐝🍯🐝

Jan 28, 2025 11:22 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

It's the time of year where our hives are droneless, the queen doesn't have much use for the males during the winter months!

I know there's the saying about there's no such thing as bad PR, but personally don't buy into that.  It's very easy to gain the wrong type of reputation in our business and in the Rain, and once that line is crossed, it's rare to see someone back in good graces.   They're typically expected to bzzzzz off!

Jan 28, 2025 12:06 PM
Buzz Mackintosh
Mackintosh REALTORS - Frederick, MD
“Experience, reliable, leadership”

Love local honey, it has solved my fall & spring allergies. If you're going to be licensed when you move here locally come talk to me, we might be a good fit.

Jan 28, 2025 11:25 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Hi Buzz, my first inclination is not to license in the new area, but keep our Ohio license and refer out.  My biggest concern is with our new location, I suspect you'd need licensed in WV, MD and VA, or some good partnerships to hand off people as they cross the state lines.

Jan 28, 2025 12:07 PM
Buzz Mackintosh

We have offices in Frederick and Hagerstown and we have agents licensed in MD,WV,VA & PA . Frederick County boarders all 3 States.

Jan 28, 2025 06:45 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Buzz Mackintosh , where our new home is being built, a few hundred feet to the crest of the mountain and it's the VA line there.  Looking west, we look over WV, then back into VA, then back to WV again.  I don't think I can see Maryland to the right of us, but it's not all that far away.

Jan 28, 2025 07:56 PM
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!
Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374 - St. George, UT
The best agent in Southern Utah!

I'm more the honey bee type and less like a common fly, Bliz. I happily travel my own path and am not attracted to waste or people who smell up the place with a stinky attitude. Positively, fantastic post!

Jan 28, 2025 12:25 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Some agents don't seem to understand the impact that negative comments left on a consumer facing post can cause.  Who wants their potential clients to see another agent scolding the agent they might have planned to hire?  And would I give a referral to anyone here that gives other members grief on a public facing post? 

Jan 28, 2025 02:59 PM
Hannah Williams
HomeStarr Realty - Philadelphia, PA
Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376

Liz and Bill Spear  Honey Bee here. I just ordered some raw honey, hoping to soothe this awful cough. It arrived, and it was delicious. The weather here has me down but hope to be up and around soon. Go Eagles 

Jan 28, 2025 02:11 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Hannah, hope the honey helps and you feel better soon!

Jan 28, 2025 03:02 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

One of my secretaries and her mate recently attended a second national bee keeper's convention or trade show expo. On our organic farm we collect honey and also plant pollinators to attract them. It's win win with how they help plants to reproduce and grow larger, better crops. And how healthy unfiltered honey is for so many applications Liz and Bill Spear.

 Real, raw, honest helps all of us busy bees in the AR hive. 

bee hive honey

Jan 28, 2025 03:21 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Andy, that's something I'm going to have to start from scratch on at our new place, getting flowers established quickly to give our bees plenty of up close food.  I know there will still be plenty for them in the woods around us, but it will be different than we have now.  Longer term, I want to plant some fruit and nut trees along with other gardening, so it will be a win-win for the bees and us to have them on location.  It will take years for the orchard part to pay off, but we're in it for the long term.

Jan 28, 2025 03:25 PM
Doug Rogers
RE/MAX Coastal Properties - Destin, FL
Your Real Estate Resource!

I've learned never to skip one of your posts. Always "sweet" stuff. 

Jan 29, 2025 05:05 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Doug, I always want my posts to be worthwhile for anyone that gifts me some of their time.

Jan 29, 2025 10:41 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

Word of mouth is the best type of advertising in my book and I am sure anyone who gets honey from you really appreciates it!

Jan 29, 2025 06:15 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

I don't anything can beat good word of mouth.

Jan 29, 2025 10:41 AM
Jeffrey DiMuria 321.223.6253 Waves Realty
Waves Realty - Melbourne, FL
Florida Space Coast Homes

I like your take on the subject. I will look forward to next weeks post (of course)  :)

Jan 29, 2025 11:39 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

If I don't show up on Tuesday, something has gone really sideways :)

Jan 29, 2025 12:40 PM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

Liz and Bill Spear 

Bill, partnering with your doctor's office is a very SWEET deal! Smart too! I loved everything about this blog post! You think like an engineer with common sense. That's what I like about you and your business practices too. 

Jan 29, 2025 12:03 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Patricia Feager , in this case, the partnership with the medical office is all Liz's doing.  The Excel tracking sheet for inventory and sales, that's mine :)

Jan 29, 2025 12:41 PM
Dr. Paula McDonald
Beam & Branch Realty - Granbury, TX
Granbury, TX 936-203-0279

You are SPOT on with this post. There are a few folks here in the Rain who are toxic, want to pick fights, and are just down-right, Debbie Downers. Thankfully, there are not that many. But truly, who has time for that???

Jan 29, 2025 02:18 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

I don't have time for it.  A wrong comment can throw off an entire day if we let it, so I do my best to avoid those likely to go down that path.

Jan 29, 2025 04:58 PM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Good morning Bill,

I love your statement "take honey over vinegar!" I totally agree, who has time for toxic people in business or in our personal lives! Not me!!

Jan 30, 2025 03:51 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

The longer I'm in the business, the more selective I get about which clients I'll take on and which ones I'll pass on.

Jan 30, 2025 06:50 AM
Bailey Properties, Inc. - Santa Cruz, CA
Serving Santa Cruz & Coastal Monterey Counties

Honey over vinegar was one of my dad's favorite sayings : )   Be the positive pebble in the pond, one kind word can change someone's life for the better ... and will!

Jan 30, 2025 05:36 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Just a little bit can make a huge difference.

Jan 30, 2025 06:51 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Bill that is fantastic that you're able to supple the doctors office with your honey.  I'd be buying it for sure.  And all your other points are so  important for new and experienced agents to keep front and center.  I was thinking about this very subject when I again heard the phrase 'catch a falling knive' and immediately thought of don't even try and that goes for working with folks that are just that....falling knives.  Ouch,


Featured in BananaTude


Jan 30, 2025 08:50 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Some people we can work with, some we can't, and recognizing who is who has improved with years of experiences.  I really don't desire to work with people that are blatantly sharp, and I find most of my clients don't want that from their agent either.  Provide guidance, expertise, etc. and they're happy.

Jan 31, 2025 07:06 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten

Exactly!  A mutual trust between clients and agent = seamless transaction that is fun.  Yup FUN!

Feb 01, 2025 11:38 AM
Susan Mangigian
RE/MAX Preferred - West Chester, PA
Chester & Delaware County Homes, Delaware and Ches

I'm hoping that I am someone that you are compatible with.  Active Rain, like Facebook has many personalities.  In recent years, it's been my habit to bypass those with whom I greatly disagree and just let them do their thing.  

Jan 30, 2025 01:12 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

You're still there on my feed, I can't say that for everyone :)  Anyone that hits the extremes on either side is likely go be out of sight, or totally banished.  Their minds will be changed under no circumstances, and I no longer have the mental energy to deal with 'em.

Jan 31, 2025 07:07 AM
Barbara Tattersall
Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan (Keene,NH) - Keene, NH

Good Morning, Your bee story caught my attention as we keep hives as well. Fascinating creatures who could teach the world a lot about hard work and cooperation. Every year is different as to our honey harvest. As Winnie the Pooh says... you can never tell about bees. Have a sweet day

Feb 01, 2025 02:57 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Barbara Tattersall , I suspect there may be more beekeeper members of this community than one might think!  So far this winter we've just lost one hive.  It was high risk going in because of low numbers, perhaps we should have combined it with another.

Feb 03, 2025 07:04 AM