A byproduct of being backyard beekeepers is a surplus of honey. 10+ hives make more honey then we'll consume, ever. Properly stored honey will last long past my lifetime, so we give some away as closing gifts, and sell a bit too and that puts a small dent in our annual beekeeping expenses. We don't advertise our honey, it's word of mouth and having a compatible partner.
In this case our compatible partner is the medical office we visit. They're more into general wellness than the typical mainstream doctor's office. Identify what is out of balance with the body and find ways to rebalance, and the first reaction isn't to prescribe another medication. So what's a natural fit for them to offer? Our raw honey. We've strained out the assorted bee parts that come with harvesting honey, but otherwise our honey is just as it comes out of the comb. It's not been heated, and it certainly doesn't have "extra" sweeteners and other additives that are alleged for some supermarket honey supplies. Our honey is compatible with the general approach of the medical office. We have a small set up in the waiting room offering pint and quart jars of honey with Venmo or Paypal options. We keep the office supplied , and they don't charge us a cut of our sales because they like being able to offer local raw honey to their clients. It's a real win-win for the office and us.
I look for the same win-win in our business partnerships.
My brokerage has to be aligned with how we do business. We're not newbie agents, and we have compatible business partners for home inspections, lenders, contractors, new construction builder reps, etc. Businesses that we know will take top care of our clients. A brokerage that wants to interfere in these long established relationships isn't going to be compatible.
I look for compatible people to interact with in the Rain. I'm not 100% compatible with everyone here, and that's okay.
I'm going to lean into people that keep a positive outlook, even when things could be better. I'm going to lean into people that provide a sincere comment. I'm going to lean into people that demonstrate they know their market. I'm going to lean into people that share knowledge with blog posts, Zoom meetings, answers in Q&A, etc. Anyone that adds true value to this community is someone I want to know.
I'm going to lean away from people that aren't compatible and steal the joy from others with negative comments and looking for a fight. If I wanted that, I could find it easily elsewhere.
Finding compatible people is why I come back every day. I'll take honey over vinegar.
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz