Posts Just For You- This Week at ActiveRain January 26 to February 1, 2025
Every day there is something to learn here at ActiveRain. With this series, I highlight posts that gave me that lightbulb moment. It could be something techie, a post about Real Estate or other professions, about a place, or a person. Or, it could be a post that made me sit up and take notice!
January 26: Monica Hill When We Lose the Why
Going through the motions is not the way.
Rain Silverhawk If You Cut Corners, One Day You'll Cut Yourself Short
I love Rain Silverhawk post because it's a reminder that even if you think no one will know if you cut're WRONG!
Scott Seaton Jr. Plan A Plan B
It looks as if Scott Seaton Jr. SLS Home Insp's plans are working out. Take a look at one thing he's doing. I was not familiar with it! All I can say is WOW!
January 27: Jean Richer Where Would You Hide In This Beautiful Condo?
I had to share this creative and unique video. Take a look!!!
Dorie Dillard Turning On the Light: Finding Hope Admidst the Darkness of Loss
I love this post and the message it sends. Very uplifting.
Aura Alex Everyday Leadership Redefined-Insights Beyond the Title
Excellent post on leadership!
January 28: Thomas J Nelson Planning for Success: They Keep the Good Things on the Higher Shelves
Love this entry in the January challenge. Planning for success never stops, does it?!
Faye Y. Taylor Sometimes I Think I'm Weird
When I read this I laughed and smiled and had fun! We all have a little weird in least I hope I do!!!
January 30: Rocky Dickerson So the LESS That You Say...
Oh yes...Do you ever want to say "Put a sock in it!" Or maybe others want to say it to you? LOL
Dr. Paula McDonald What Are You Thinking?
Often we don't need those around us to bring us down. We can do it to ourselves!
January 31: Nick Vandekar Why is an appraiser coming to my house?
Nick offers a thorough answer to this question!
February 1: Jeffrey DiMuria What is the Failure Rate for New Agents
Jeffrey shares the stats AND some suggestions on how Brokers and agents can change this. What do you think?
Jeff Masich Wife Says 'Honey', Store Away Xmas Decorations...Where? MAN CAVE
Cute! I've had friends with their own "I Love Me" rooms!
Don’t forget this month’s challenge…
Why We Love What We Do—Join the ActiveRain February Challenge & Share the Love ❤️ hosted by Debe Maxwell and Pat Starnes
New to ActiveRain? Be sure to read Getting Started on ActiveRain by Kat Palmiotti!
Thanks to Carol Williams for this Weekly ZOOM Schedule which she lets me copy and paste into my post.
February 4th, 2025 - Frank Worrell
Loom to Gamma - A Quick & Easy, but Powerful Presentation
February 11th, 2025 - Debe Maxwell
Roundtable Discussion - How to generate new business
Here is the ongoing link to each Zoom meeting
11:00 a.m. Pacific time (Arizona, same as Pacific until Nov 3rd)!
12:00 p.m. Mountain time (Arizona, as of Nov. 3rd)
1:00 p.m. Central time
2:00 p.m. Eastern time
Please don’t forget to check out these very informative posts as well:
Carol Williams Second Chance Saturday-Carol highlights posts suggested by other members.
Liz and Bill Spear and the weekly Ask An Ambassador posts!
Thank you for letting me do what I love to do...learn something new every day.