Yes, sometimes there is an inner something, seemingly "IT" can be heard in a song, that drives you to get a fresh start, stop renting and buy a home. Or "IT" may be an occurrence in life or nature such as
Freezing Ice Storm
Yes, they all can cause a move to Sunny Arizona, none of those common disasters are in Arizona so those are "ITS". Arizona has good employment and weather along with 300+ sunny days per year. More good "ITS".
Listen to this song. How does one KNOW when "IT" is time to move?
(Question Photo: by Tumisu, Pixabay)
We gotta get out of this place
If it's the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
'Cause girl, there's a better life for me and you
You probably know when you are feeling the lyrics of "We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place!" by the Animals from 1966! Listen to or read those lyrics (below), they will tell you if it is time to move. Sometimes you just need a new start and MOVE to a great place like the Sunny Phoenix Arizona metro. Ask me as your Arizona REALTOR® where to live and check out the homes for sale right here in the MLS.
"We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place" by the Animals
In this dirty old part of the city
Where the sun refused to shine
People tell me there ain't no use in tryin'
Now my girl, you're so young and pretty
And one thing I know is true
You'll be dead before your time is due, I know
Watch my daddy in bed a-dyin'
Watched his hair been turnin' grey
He's been workin' and slavin' his life away, oh yes I know it
And I've been workin' too, baby (yeah!)
Every night and day (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!)
We gotta get out of this place
If it's the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
'Cause girl, there's a better life for me and you
Some things just never change. When one says "We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place"..."if it's the last thing I ever do", it is time for ME as your professional real estate agent to swing into action and help you Move to Arizona!
Are you ready for the next adventure in your life? Time to MOVE and buy a home in Sunny Phoenix Arizona Homes For Sale! Home prices are about flat from last year. This is a good time to buy. Here are ALWAYS UP TO DATE and always desirable Phoenix Arizona Metro Single Level Detached Homes for sale on the MLS.
Explore Arizona (Photo: Michele Raponi, Pixabay)
Living in Phoenix Metro
Sunny weather and golf and your next home await you in the Phoenix metro or Scottsdale, Arizona
Homes For Sale in Phoenix Metro on MLS UPDATED DAILY
Here are Homes For Sale in Phoenix metro Arizona UPDATED DAILY with a FULL PAGE view and also create your own filtered FREE MLS SEARCH PORTAL in Arizona.
I can offer you a FREE MLS search with my “Best Buy List” of the homes that are up for sale in your desired area.
Scottsdale Arizona home, photo by Jeff Masich
If you decide it's time to take the next step, I’d like to put my state-of-the –art buying services to work for you. And guess what? Because the seller pays the costs, you don’t pay a thing to me.
Visit my website to learn more about the opportunities I see in this market for first-time homebuyers. Or give me a call 480-242-6500 or email at if you would like me to send you a “Best Buy List.”
Living in the Phoenix Metro Area including Scottsdale
Jeff Masich, REALTOR® discusses living and buying a home in Phoenix metro area and Scottsdale
Meet Jeff Masich REALTOR® Phoenix Metro Area including Scottsdale
Meet Jeff Masich, REALTOR® and call/text 480-242-6500 or at to get started
To learn more about Scottsdale living or in the Phoenix metro area and to see homes for sale Scottsdale Homes For Sale or Arizona Homes For Sale.
Here is a FREE MLS Search and your very own MLS Search Portal for homes for sale in Arizona. Jeff Masich would be pleased to help you find Arizona Homes For Sale and the right home at the right price!
Press FREE MLS Search to search for homes for sale in Arizona