
Love Lessons

Industry Observer 0506509

Love lessons


Over the years we have a lot to learn. Here is my list of lessons I've learned and so have many others.


You're never too old to say, "I love you."

Couples fall in love every day.

There is a big difference between liking and loving

"Love your neighbor like yourself."

People love when their closings are over.

Love feels right.

Never leave a person you love without saying the words "I love you."

Love is eternal.

Love is bound to hurt.

Parents: Love your children.

Children: Love your parents.

Live and Love

Puppy love is real.

"Love is a splendid thing..." by Matt Monroe

True love is a treasured gift.

All you need is love.

Love at first sight.

Crazy in love.

Dogs love unconditionally.

The rarest gift of all is love.

Never forget the power of love.


I've been a daughter, student, graduate, wife, lover, mother, widow, mother-in-law, grandmother, record shop salesclerk, legal secretary, bookkeeper, paralegal, recruiter, REALTOR®, friend, puppy mother, mother of canaries, and lover of nature. There is passion when you love, especially when you have compassion. For 21 years I practiced compassion and patience in my residential real estate business because it made me happy to help others achieve their dreams. I believe with my whole heart, we were created to help one another. Hurt no one. This is my entry for the ActiveRain February Challengehosted by Debe Maxwell, CRS and Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty 

As a REALTOR® I saw the love in my client's eyes when his daughter opened her very own first home.


I also loved another client sitting at the closing table with his son on his lap watching the baby sign like his dad. 

I was very happy to be a part of this couple's life who invested all the years of their life in real estate properties and mine in the real estate business until the day they sold their home (with me of course) and retired to their retirement home outside of DFW.

If the month of January taught us anything, it is to never leave your loved ones without saying "I love you." Let us all be empowered to love more. Kindness is an act of love that needs no expectations in return. Love is healthy. An attitude of love can change the people in your life, around you, in your community, in your home, within your surroundings, and it can change you to be a better person. Life is short. True love never ends. In the end, love is the only thing that matters. 


Author: Patricia Feager

Posted by

Patricia Feager


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Sham Reddy CRS
Howard Hanna RE Services, Dayton, OH - Dayton, OH

Thanks for sharing Patricia!!! Great love them all especially these 3

Love feels right.

Never leave a person you love without saying the words "I love you."

Love is eternal.

Feb 01, 2025 05:58 AM
Patricia Feager

Sham Reddy CRS - I can see you smiling in your profile because you get what love really is! You are a man of faith and family first. 

Thank you!

Feb 01, 2025 06:45 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Patricia - there is no shortage of quotes, song lyrics and other words of wisdom about aspects of love.  February often serves as a reminder but it's true, it can and does show evidence that it occurs every day in abundant ways.  Thankfully.  

Feb 01, 2025 06:09 AM
Patricia Feager

Michael Jacobs - there is no shortage to love and the more you give, the more you receive. Love is in abundance to those you believe in love.

Thankfully generations of lovely people have kept this world a lovely place to live. 

Feb 01, 2025 06:46 AM
Katina Hargrove 352-551-0308
Stake Your Land Realty, Inc. - Eustis, FL
Broker/Owner, SFR®, e-PRO®, GRI, AHWD, REALTOR®

Patricia Feager 

What a lovely post, you truly understand LOVE! 💝

Feb 01, 2025 06:35 AM
Patricia Feager

Katina Hargrove 352-551-0308 - You are truly kind and I only know you because we communicate here on AR. I also know you are so successful because your blog posts prove it! You must be a joy to all you serve in the real esatate business in Eustis, FL.

Feb 01, 2025 06:49 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Good morning! Oh, love, what a thing it is! We can love a person, we can love an animal, we can love a place - our capability to love is endless.

Feb 01, 2025 06:38 AM
Patricia Feager

Kat Palmiotti - All that you said, and so much more. Love is also building your dream home and having a vision of what you want, where you want it, and who you want to be with you in your life forever. I shall never forget how happy you were to show me the start of your new home while I was there in Kalispell for awhile.


Feb 01, 2025 06:53 AM
Kat Palmiotti

I love that picture and the memories, Patricia Feager 

Feb 01, 2025 08:06 AM
Patricia Feager

Kat Palmiotti - I was proud to share my time with you and appreciative of you sharing your days with me. What I thought was very special about this photograph is that it tells a story. Kat, you followed your gut and stretched out your arm to show that your vision was becoming closer to completion and just the beginning of your forever home in Montana. 

Feb 02, 2025 09:47 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Good morning, Patricia... I loved this post and I loved all the lessons you've learned about love... I do believe I've learned those lessons myself.

Feb 01, 2025 06:52 AM
Patricia Feager

Nina Hollander, Broker - Getting to know you here on ActiveRain I have learned so much about you and the greatest stories of all are all the places you have lived and  been from around the world. Your life's journey is unlike anthing I've heard from others here on ActiveRain. I enjoy your personal stories and perspectives on life.  

Feb 01, 2025 06:56 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker

Patricia Feager oh gosh, Patricia. Thank you. I never think of my life as anything "special or unique." It's just my life.

Feb 01, 2025 06:59 AM
Leanne Smith
Dirt Road Real Estate - Golden Valley, AZ
The Grit and Gratitude Agent

My husband and I always say I love you when we leave the house. I have friends who continually say that as well. Great post, thank you for sharing.

Feb 01, 2025 07:00 AM
Patricia Feager

Leanne Smith - Every day we say I love you to those we love the most, our love grows more special. Our hearts have the greatest capacity to love. 

Feb 01, 2025 07:05 AM
Lawrence "Larry" & Sheila Agranoff. Cell: 631-805-4400
The Top Team @ Charles Rutenberg Realty 255 Executive Dr, Plainview NY 11803 - Plainview, NY
Long Island Condo and Home Specialists

Patricia, February is the month where love is in the air... and maybe a little extra chocolate, too!

Feb 01, 2025 07:25 AM
Patricia Feager

Lawrence "Larry" & Sheila Agranoff. Cell: 631-805-4400 - Oh yes! You're absolutely correct. The grocery store shelves are filled in abundance with chocolate. A little extra chocolate in February to chase away the winter blues is a good remedy! 

How do you spell love between lovers? C h o c o l a t e!

Feb 02, 2025 06:57 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Oh, this is the perfect post for this month's challenge, Patricia! I have several great friends (and of course family) that we always say, "I love you" before hanging up the phone or walking away.

I'm not sure when this became more of a 'normal' than not but, I do know that I am of the age to realize that I never want to lose a dear friend or family member, having not told them I love them. 

I also love what you shared with Kat in her comment - you are such a great friend! ❤️

Thank you so much for sharing your love in this month's challenge, Patricia! Happy, happy February!

Feb 01, 2025 08:02 AM
Patricia Feager

Greetings Debe Maxwell, CRS! It's always a pleasure to receive your comments or see you anytime on ActiveRain or in person! It seems to me the frequency of saying "I love you," started after 9/11 and then increased exponentially during Covid. Lock downs and that period in history were so frightening and the only consoling words we could say to each other was "I love you."

My parent's generation did not use "I love you." I don't recall my parents ever saying it and between cousins, their parents didn't tell them "I love you," either. 

Three little words: I love you can do so much good. 

It was a great challenge. Thanks to you and Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty we have a lot of good reading on ActiveRain during this month of February. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:03 AM
Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty
Front Gate Real Estate - Brandon, MS
601-991-2900 Office; 601-278-4513 Cell

Patricia, there is no question in my mind that you are a caring, nurturing person, and that love transpires into everything you do, especially in your career as a REALTOR. I only know you through ActiveRain and your words over the years, but I know it's a fact that your kindness and patience SHINE in everything you do.

Thanks for your wonderful entry in the February challenge.

Feb 01, 2025 08:53 AM
Patricia Feager

Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty - Awe. I am blushing. Like putting clients first, I do my best to be respectful of others. Supporting one another is so important. Living, absent, or deceased, I learned a lot from members still on our Leaderboard list. Spread across volumes of AR posts are pearls of wisdom worthy of reflection. Kind words have a healing power. We never really know what's going on with others. 

Your powerful words filled my heart with joy today! 

I am glad to know you and Debe are hosting the February Challenge. Thank you, Pat. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:15 AM
Dennis Neal
Exp Realty of Southern California, Inc. - Big Bear Lake, CA
Your Home Sold in 21 Days or We Sell It For Free

Patricia, your reflections on love and its many forms resonate deeply. The way you connect the lessons of love to your real estate experiences adds such a meaningful touch to this industry—helping clients find their homes is truly a labor of love. Your message reminds us that the kindness and compassion we share can make a lasting impact, both personally and professionally.

Feb 01, 2025 09:23 AM
Patricia Feager

Dennis Neal - How do I begin? I start by saying thank you. Your comment was so important for me to read. I really liked how you used real estate and "labor of love," in the same sentence. Yes! Real Estate is so different than other professions. It really is a true "labor of love." When you're in the real estate business, you have no choice but to get outside your comfort zone. I've never been on a Team. I was always a solo agent and handled every part of the process. Getting to know people, really know them takes kindness and compassion. Lasting impacts generate repeat business or referrals "personally and professionaly."  

Dennis, you have been a great asset to ActiveRain and I always enjoy hearing from you. May you prosper and live a long and happy life. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:22 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Let's continue to spread love and kindness every day.

Have an outstanding weekend.

Feb 01, 2025 11:23 AM
Patricia Feager

Roy Kelley - that's a good message: "Let's continue to spread love and kindness every day." We don't have to agree, but at the very least respectful. Those infamous words, "Play nice in the sandbox," are so true. I have always found you to be a addition to ActiveRain. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:26 AM
Lew Corcoran
Better Living Real Estate, LLC - East Bridgewater, MA
Expert guidance. Exceptional results.

Your heartfelt reflections on love are truly uplifting, Patricia Feager, and remind us of the simple yet profound ways we connect with each other. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and encouraging us all to embrace love in our lives—it's a message we can all cherish!

Feb 01, 2025 12:03 PM
Patricia Feager

Lew Corcoran - I was very, very young when I encountered my first experience with death. From that day on, I embraced love into my life by listening to one another, being good to my parents, obeying my teachers, and appreciating my friends. When it came to entering the business world, I was already instilled with compassion and a willingness to help others. 

Thank you. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:31 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Hi Patricia this couldn't be any better timing for your post.  Saying I love you often is so important.  And I think most of us really 'get that' and even more so after this past week. Like you, I love my clients.......and it makes me smile thinking of all those 'little moments that are so special. With little kids they loved that I was 'Banana' and they always wanted a business card - imagine that.  With adults most of them ever used my last name. Why? Because it was really Banana!

Perfect post for this months  Love Challenge!

Feb 01, 2025 12:15 PM
Patricia Feager

Anna "Banana" Kruchten - January was a tough month and how it ended needed hope entertwined with lessons learned. To write this post, I woke up in the middle of the night and started writing about love. I did not know love would be the topic for our February ActiveRain Challenge. It wasn't until after I launched post, that I saw Debe Maxwell, CRS announcement. So I quickly tweaked the ending for purposes of this challenge. As you can see, my heart was already entranched in the position of strength and optimism because I didn't want to go into the dark rehashing trauma, all over again. To be honest, the first thought that popped into my head upon awakening was those from the skating community died as they lived by loving what they did without regrets. They really were a tight knit community and that's when I realized, no matter who we belong to, even if it's a social media group like ActiveRain, we must be strong, support one another, be kind and compassionate. 

Debe Maxwell, CRS and Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty picked the perfect challenge for February.  

Feb 02, 2025 07:42 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS

I'm so glad your heart went towards the positive, Patricia Feager. When we've had negative life challenges, it isn't always easy to push past the negative and into an optimistic heart. You are so strong, Patricia. I so admire your strength.

Feb 02, 2025 08:28 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten

Absolutely Patricia - Kindness goes a long, long way💛

Feb 02, 2025 01:38 PM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Patricia LOVE manifests itself in many, many ways, and you have pointed out several ways it does.

Feb 01, 2025 12:47 PM
Patricia Feager

George Souto - the manifestation of celebrating love is highly emotional. We can see it, feel it, and know it when it happens. Love never really dies. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:47 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

It is such a small word, but it can bring forth so many emotions and that is always a positive.

Feb 01, 2025 01:49 PM
Patricia Feager

Ed Silva, 203-206-0754 - I really appreciate your comment. It made me think about "it is such a small word." Isn't it true, the little things in life usually have the biggest impact in our lives in the most positive way.

And then I began to ask myself: why is it I stop to take notice of the tiniest creation on earth with the willingness to get down on the ground to take its picture?  And why do I take notice of people in places like airports while waiting for the time to board. My eyes seem to land on the people who seem the most nervous traveling alone. I will then get up and sit next to them and strike up a conversation. I've had people cry to me, a perfect stranger and bear their souls. All I had to do was listen. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:54 AM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Good evening Patricia,

There is no questions you understand what love is....what a wonderful post to enter into the February challenge!

Feb 01, 2025 06:39 PM
Patricia Feager

Dorie Dillard Austin TX - Thank you.

I learned long ago one doesn't need to be a couple to experience love because love is all around us. It's the warmth of the sun when it rises, the twinkling of the stars at night, and it awakens us with thunderclaps to pay attention. 

Feb 02, 2025 07:57 AM
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Trans State Commercial Realty Inc. - Fort Lauderdale, FL
FLorida Real Estate Connector

Love, love, love - all you need is love.

Special people like you Patricia Feager make the world go around

Feb 03, 2025 10:07 AM
Debra Leisek
Bay Realty,Inc Homer Alaska - Homer, AK

What the World needs know is Love sweet Love

You are all about the Love Patricia Feager 

One of my favorite moments in real estate was when a little boy came running up to me at the grocery store and hugged me.... then he said thank you for getting me my own bedroom! That was a happy loving moment!! 

Feb 05, 2025 12:56 AM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

Great to see you're still posting such positive messages!  Make 2025 a great year.

Feb 06, 2025 05:23 PM