Just another class in Technology?
That is what I was prepared for today when I got up this morning. Well Dick surprised me! It wasn't at all what I was expecting. Dick Betts is a phenomenal speaker. I learned so much about my smart phone and what it can do for my business. His approach to Internet marketing made me write this blog. If you have never been to one of his one of his trainings, you are missing out! Talk to your Broad of Realtors or your Broker, just get him to your city, and do it soon. I left with so many new ideas and a different out look towards my Internet marketing.
I haven't been this pump since, I went to the Hobbs/Herder gateway seminar. It was a full day of superb information and Dick did it with humor and easy to understand steps to obtain your internet presence.
Thanks so much Dick! I am already using what, I learned today. I can't wait to put all of it into full force!
Stacy Lyons