Milk Shakes. I love them! I have had many a milkshake and one of my favorite milkshake flavors is chocolate. Many places make them, but a certain fast food chain with Golden arches makes one of my favorites. I mean if you order their thick chocolaty milkshake you are transported away from your troubles and taken to a magic milkshake land-o-fun! I mean I think they must have a container of magical goodness back in the kitchen that they add to the milk and chocolate and who knows what other stuff they put in those things. The truth is that the milkshake itself has no power. It's the build up that I create in my head about the milkshake that gives the milkshake it's magic.
Feelings ladies and gentlemen feelings make the difference between my magical milkshake experience, and just sipping melted ice cream through a straw. It is important that patrons of your business feel as though they are receiving magic. It is important that you go the extra mile for them and make a stressful time as magically stress-free as possible.
How do you do that? How do you add the magic to the milkshakes? Well as a Realtor I add magic to the milkshake by staying engaged. Many of my clients come into contact with Realtors, mortgage brokers, banks, title reps...etc that simply do not stay engaged. They are in the midst of a major deal and suddenly after mutual acceptance they lose track of all of the resources. No Realtor to be heard from, no mortgage broker to answer questions. I add magic to my milkshake by staying engaged. Keeping my clients informed. Staying in touch with all of the points of the transaction, the title rep, escrow, the mortgage broker, and the other agent. That's really a big part of our job as Realtors. We manage the project. We also bring our knowledge to the table so that the client feels at home. The client feels secure, the client...feels...the magic!
Realtors just make you feel good! It should be the same with your milkshakes.