
The warm glow of life!

Title Insurance with White Sands Realty

Make the world brighter today. Do it not because you should, but because you can.

The reason for joy is joy. It needs nothing more than to be.

Feel the warm glow of life. Marvel at the exquisite beauty in every detail.

Gently accept and embrace the richness of this moment that is now. Give sweet expression to the unique voice living within you.

With each fresh gust of the breeze, there are new possibilities. There is more to experience than you can even imagine.

Choose to live and to fulfill just a small fraction of the immense promise that is now. And you'll find life to be rich beyond all measure.

-- Ralph Marston

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Jeff Andresen
Buffett Hathaway Real Estate - Highlands, NC
Jeff Andresen

Words to live by Nicole. I hope all is well.


Mar 04, 2012 09:39 AM