Well first off I live in loft, so Yes, I have neighbors. Below me and to the side!
So this evening I am working on the computer running some comps for clients and I get a knock at my door. It is about 845Pm. My Pomeranian - Chihuahua Mix pups start barking and I am wondering.. who the heck is at my door at this time of night.
I peak out the peep hole and see a guy standing there in a US Marshals Vest.
WOW.. What did I Do??? I knew I shouldn't have been working so late. Must be the "Time Off Needed" Police...
So I answer, guy asks me some questions about my neighbor below me. In the back of my head my mind is going crazy wondering great.. do I have someone dead below me or something?
Long Story short I tell them I haven't seen the couple since saturday night when I got home later in the evening from a dinner. He gives me his card and asks me to call him as soon as they come home. He can't tell me why, but says you can go to Americas Most Wanted and I will see a guy by the name of.... lets just say I don't want to post his name here.. because if he reads BLOGS in the internet.. I don't want him knocking on my door.. haha
When I start to think about it.. the couple were kind of strange and kept quiet. Never wanted anyone to see inside their place, never really said Hi how are you, and never had any friends or family over.
So now that I sit any think about it?? How many of you Actually know your neighbors? Pay attention to who they are and what they do?
I guess it would have helped if I watched Americas Most Wanted.. They just aired this guys story Saturday! I never watched it thinking yeah, i'll never see anyone they are looking for... I guess we should all plan on watching it from now on... because you never know!!
Oh well.. Guess tonight I get to Play Stake out and see if they come home. As I think about it though, I think they are GONE! I never see them shop and bring home groceries, But when I came home the other night they had a couple bags of groceries. Probably snack food for the trip out of town to a new hiding place.