
Are you an Agent or a Stagent?

Real Estate Agent with Chas Everitt International

Please note this was written for a South African reader so the seasonal references to cold weather may seem a little odd and there are regionally specific comments but the rest may be of interest to some readers :-) 

At our weekly office meeting it came out wrong! It was supposed to be "us agents" and it came out "stagents" but in this market it sounded apt as the winter lethargy and market blues make us all feel a little stagnant.

At this time and in this market there are good reasons to get up and go unless your get up has gone! 

Firstly - The ratio of agents to sales is improving by the day.  Every week another real estate office seems to be closing around the corner and every week we hear of more agents than have decided to go try their hand at selling something else.  Yes one has compassion, but this is a process of natural selection. Eat or be eaten! 

Secondly - our  real estate industry has finally introduced new measures that will require new entrants more comprehensive training - a great advantage to those that are already in!  The last ‘old and easy' board exam was held last week Friday and it's clear that fewer new agents are going to try real estate when they will now - at long last - be required to undergo and more thorough and meaningful training regime!  This means less that when the market turns there will be fewer people jumping on the band wagon. 

Thirdly - Those real estate companies that have the brand strength to lower operating costs by sharing overheads and maximizing discounts have a great advantage over the less established brands and the Mom and Pop shops in real estate so the recruitment opportunities are obvious.  Now is the time to beef up your team - there are strong individuals out there with weaker brands and operators that are making financial cuts in the wrong area - their marketing!

Fourthly - Now's the time to show the public you are different and that you are the one!  There are many creative ways, without spending a great deal of money, to get in the public's face in your territory as other agents dive for cover.  Get out there and expose yourself!  Hold some "Selling in a Buyer's Market" seminars - free hot soup and rolls - ok maybe Gluwein would work better in this weather - but show people that you are their solution!  

Let's be brutally frank - would there be a problem right now is there were 50% fewer estate agents in your area?  Guess what - it's happening in front of our eyes.  The opportunities are there and will increase by the day!  For those that can see themselves through these challenging times the rewards will be great.  As the surfers say, "when the wave breaks don't be catching a tan on the beach!"

PS:  Today gold hit $1000 an ounce and the Rand strengthened to R7-70 to the US$

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Ray Nelson
Exit Realty Expertise - Fredericksburg, VA

Great points, Andre.  It is nice to see the "Fly By Night Realty" houses going out of business, because that increases our ethics and accountability as a profession.  Visibility is key, and if you can be visible and smile then you will get new clients.  I am absolute proof of that.  Thanks for sharing.  Great post.        

Jul 15, 2008 12:31 AM
Charlie Ragonesi - Big Canoe, GA
Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros

it is interesting here the number of agents in our local board went up !!! Go figure

Jul 15, 2008 12:34 AM
Mara Hawks
First Realty Auburn - Auburn, AL
Inactive-2012 REALTOR - Homes for Sale Auburn Real Estate, AL

Hello, is the housing market also experiencing a downturn in your area (which is so very beautiful!) You have a terrific website.

Jul 27, 2008 06:23 PM