Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? ~Fanny Brice
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
Blogging can be addicting! Many times there is nothing more fascinating than logging on and reading the content of different blogs. However without an appropriate clear cut purpose to our blogging, our blogs can lead to the irrational posting of cold, impersonal, and often confusing information. You know the type of blog I'm talking about...the kind of post that is void of any uniqueness, individuality or personality of the blogger.
Don't get me wrong, I like reading the how-to's just as much as the next person, but having that information presented in a way that reveals the uniqueness and insight of the blogger is what makes it a much more interesting read.
Whether you're a real estate agent, a home inspector, or a stager, all of us here on AV blog for different reasons. Some blog to network with associate and peers, some to gather leads, or perhaps some blog to find support from others in the field who have been through or are going through the similar situations. And you know what? I think these are all valid reasons - most definitely!!
But if we are just posting mindless information just to get our "fix", we run the risk of alienating those around us, our peers, and God-forbid - our current and future clients!
God knows we could all just post information that would fill a thousand blogs on a thousand different boards. I don't know about you, but I would rather read one page of one blog that is unique and has personality than 1000 blogs that spit out mindless technical information.
Now, being a home inspector, I like sharing and talking about the seemingly limitless points of home inspection. A lot of you like talking about the minutia of real estate or staging. Whatever you like talking about, let your uniqueness and character shine through your blogging. Do this and I believe AV will not only become the topic of discussion around many water coolers, but will become the water cooler itself!
Calvin Bailey
A Closer Look Home Inspections
Phone: 1-905-240-0182
Cell: 1-905-442-0487
Web: www.inspectorpages.com/cbailey1
Email: cbailey1@on.nachi.org