etcList theMarketGranted this doesn't have much to do with real estate, but it does deal with the economy, so let's discuss briefly. The new iPhone 3G came out on July 11th, and people have been lining the streets of Old Pasadena since then. At the same time this week much the same line wrapped around IndyMac locations in the area, which we will discuss more in the coming blog (try and guess which one is pictured here). One Mac falls as another prevails. Is there some kind of correlation between the two? Probably not, but it shows the two extremities of the economy, and that if you have a product that people want, buyers will line up outside. And though Real Estate is more of a commodity, if it's priced right, you might see similar lines outside your door (check out our previous post: How to Sell in a Buyer's Market). If there's still a line outside the Apple store Saturday afternoon, you might just see me there, stop by and say hello.
Administration presses for mortgage giant rescue (AP)
FBI probes possible home-loan fraud at IndyMac (AP)
Stocks soar on drop in oil, Wells Fargo report (AP)
Dow +2.52% ][ Nasdaq +3.12% ][ S&P 500 +2.51% ][ 10YrBond +1.81%