It is true that Mary McKnight is no longer employed at RSS Pieces. It should also be known that Mary is still a share holder of RSS Pieces. And a considerable one at that.
I find it wholly inappropriate to air the internal issues of our company on an open forum such as this. That being said I would like everyone who is interested to know the following.
Everything is fine at RSS Pieces. We are fully operational and will continue to provide our leading edge products and services for a long time to come. In fact, we are very excited about the future and our new product roll outs.
Mary’s claims of wrong doing that her company perpetrated upon her are unequivocally untrue. And quite frankly I don’t understand the claims.
If anyone would like further explanation fell free to contact me personally at the company and I will be happy to have a private conversation about the events of recent weeks.
For those who continue to support RSS Pieces we thank you and look forward to many years of prosperous relations.