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Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post. Be sure to spend some time looking around at what and how others are blogging here. It is a great education and lots of fun. Looks like you're off to a great start...keep it up! Can't wait for you to post your photo so we can all "put a face to the name" (plus, you'll earn points for doing it).
I would like to personally welcome you to the ActiveRain community! This community has a wonderful atmosphere and you will find lots of helpful friendly people and useful information. I just recently joine myself and I'm already loving this place! I often find something new and interesting when I read the new blogs.
Active Rain is an excellent networking forum with a variety of interesting characters. Expect to learn a lot and be entertained if you have an open mind. The opportunities to learn, earn and network are absolutely incredible here on Activerain.
Welcome to the RAIN I look forward to reading your blogs
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