
Any one out there looking for a real J-O-B?

Real Estate Agent with ERA Advantage Realty

Been thinking long can we afford to hold on?  Is it time to look for a real J-o-b?  Real Estate here in Florida like in most places has caused real estate agents hair to turn grey or fall out.  Buyers are not co-operating.  Sellers are still stuck on wanting the highest price for their homes. So do you hope for the best and wait it out? Do you turn to a 40 hour a week job that offers a steady paycheck and maybe even benefits?  

I have a suggestion...TRUST GOD!  Now theres a concept.  TRUST GOD! We turn to our own efforts most times to make things right.  Ever hear the saying "Let God, Be God", Why not just "Watch God be God"?  I believe that He will provide at the very last minute if and when we trust in Him.   

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Evelyn Panning
Property Connections Realty Inc. - Alturas, CA

I've been thinking about getting a real job, but only part time.  Trusting God is a big deal, but sometimes He's sending the message that we need to do something differently.  I'd be happy to work part time, I will not however, desert my business so a full time job is out of the question.  I'm still waiting for The Answer from Him.

Jul 19, 2008 02:30 AM
Veronica DeCarolis
Weidel Realtors - Flemington, NJ

Thanks. I needed that. After many years with a good sales job where I had benefits etc. I was laid off two years ago.  I got my real estate license in anticipation of the first lay-off. I got some good experience doing the real estate part time. When offered another sales job, I took it, once again doing the real estate part time. Now I have been laid off again since February. I have thrown myself full time into real estate. My husband has been asking me when will I get a real job. I am starting to see results from my efforts. Thanks for writing.  Veronica

Jul 19, 2008 02:35 AM
Lori Franks
Real Estate Consultant - Brookings, OR
Brookings, Oregon

Linda, nice post and very encouraging. It's all in His Hands anyway and His plans might not always be what we were expecting but there's no other place I'd rather be. Be it RE or a real JOB.

Jul 19, 2008 02:39 AM
Lori Franks
Real Estate Consultant - Brookings, OR
Brookings, Oregon

Linda! Welcome to ActiveRain. I just went and checked your profile and noticed this was your first post! Very well done. I would like to suggest that you do a introduction post and tell us a little about yourself. You will be amazed at the welcome you receive. And another suggestion is put a photo up asap. Everyone likes to see who they are talking to! Have fun!

Jul 19, 2008 02:42 AM
Kathi Frank
Kate Writes Right - Houston Heights, TX
The Woodlands TX

Real estate is a tough field of work.  As I explain to my clients, the 'job' of an independant contractor (real estate agent) is more similar to a retail store than when comparing it to a 'real job'.  When a retail store does not have cash flow sufficient to justify keeping the doors open, they either decide to use outside sources of money to support the business or they shut the doors.

Trust in God is a valuable tool for determinining the next action.  Listen for the "still small voice" to know your best course.  Then, get out of the directors chair and follow the guidance given to you from a power greater than yourself.

Jul 19, 2008 02:43 AM
Connie Harvey
Pilkerton Realtors - Brentwood, TN
Realtor - Nashville TN Real Estate

Linda, Thank you for saying what everyone should hear. Several weeks ago I finally had a "new" heart to heart with God and told him that I really would trust Him. I like everyone, like to give things to Him and then take them back. Trusting him and staying away from negative people really make the days so much more pleasant!

Jul 19, 2008 02:45 AM
Mike Wong
Keller Williams Realty Southwest - Sugar Land, TX
Realtor: Commercial, Residential, Leasing, Invest

I've debated this myself daily and with God nightly, and Im still a real estate agent. Since my debates my business has picked up because I took a proactive approach to get out there and generate business rather than sulk and complain about the conditions. Thankfully my company trains us how to generate business.

The key is if you are unhappy, it is up to you to make the change, wether its changing jobs or getting out there and generating your own real estate business. Both require effort and energy. Both are stressful. Its just a decision each person has to make for themselves.

Jul 19, 2008 02:48 AM
Scott Daniels Florida Real Estate 2.0. Agents Earn 100% Commission.
Florida List For Less Realty, Inc. Broker/Owner. - Cooper City, FL


I work 7 days a week at this.It`s not easy.. but it pays the bills...

Jul 19, 2008 02:51 AM
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Kingston and the 1000 Islands Area

Linda - I really like your post!   I truly believe that we will always be provided for but possibly not in the way most people think.  I believe we have been given the ability or knowledge to acheive what is necessary - the tools if you will.  What we do with them is up to us.  We always have the choice to do something differently.   The last time the market was like this, I remember reading a book titled "When there is Blood in the Streets"  and what an eye opener.   It made me focus on the other side of the situation ie. there are many people who are eager to buy, taking advantage of anothers disadvantage so to speak.  There are many investors who are chomping at the bit looking for bargains.  There are also many first time buyers who are going to have amazing choices from which to select.  There will always be the people who need to transfer jobs, downsize, and of course the death and divorce sales, etc.    

Look at the stats of the nation;  the number of transactions? -  isn't it showing that this is the 4th best year since records were being kept?  It isn't the same as the record highs of the past few years but that wasn't an example of how we really work our business, it was a blip -  sticking a sign in the ground and having multiple offers within hours -  that isn't what a true proessional would base their business on as a monkey could sell in that market.  Now is when we roll up our sleeves and get down to the real business of selling real estate.    I believe in this business and I believe those who don't belong will find themselves in a J.O.B  which for me means "Just Over Budget"!  

Jul 19, 2008 02:54 AM
Judith Wagar (Judith Wagar Realty) Broker/Owner

I try to explain that this is a job that you need to be available 24/7 and when you are fortunate enough to get a commission you have earned it many times over. Real Estate in Fl and all over the country goes up and down, right now we are waiting for the up.

I wish the news media would stop spouting doom and gloom.

Jul 19, 2008 03:04 AM
Steve Hoffacker
Steve Hoffacker LLC - West Palm Beach, FL
Certified Aging In Place Specialist-Instructor


Anything (as in another job) that diverts your attention from real estate is a mistake in the long run.


Jul 19, 2008 03:05 AM
Betina Foreman
WJK Realty - Austin, TX
Realtor, C.N.E., with WJK REALTY

In this business we all think about a real J-O-B sometimes. I say get a good colorist to take care of the gray hairs and follow your heart. If that means having faith that God will send you clients then do your part. Go to church and network. Maybe put an ad in your church newsletter. I wish you luck!!


Jul 19, 2008 03:07 AM
TheMillsTeam YourSebringRealtors
Advantage Realty #1 - Sebring, FL

I agree partially with Steve. I have no problem multi tasking in real estate but I know I would have trouble staying on course with real estate if I had another job on the side.

However, I need to find something on the side after the summer break.

Jul 19, 2008 04:31 AM
TheMillsTeam YourSebringRealtors
Advantage Realty #1 - Sebring, FL

Oh, and welcome to Active Rain, Linda!

Linda is a fellow agent in our office and I just love her!

Jul 19, 2008 04:32 AM
Neal Barnes
Starstate Realty - Killeen, TX

Hi Linda  -  Welcome to ActiveRain.  I look forward to networking with you and reading your future post.  Have a great day!!!

Dec 16, 2008 02:18 PM
Paul Franciskato
Asset Brokering Services - Junction City, KS

Thank you for your thought-provoking post Linda!  I found it in my attempt to locate a recently featured ActiveRain post on the subject of real estate not being a J-O-B!  As of now, your ActiveRain post is just over two years old and I would imagine its relevance is timeless in terms of the real estate industry.

I believe many variables are at play in terms of success versus failure when it comes to a profession in real estate.  The state of the economy, location, effort, personal resources, etc. all play a part in one's level of success in a real estate profession.  Having faith in God may be another element that determines how we fair in real estate or in life in general!

Aug 07, 2010 11:19 AM