Education on Manners that Matter!
Kyle D. Wade, D.N. is a Illinois licensed Naprapath (natural doctor) proud Chicago native and the President & CEO of the Polite and Powerful Children's Foundation. She grew up in Hyde Park and is a product of the Chicago Public Schools. She went to Shoesmith Elementary, Louis Worth middle and graduated from Kenwood (High) Academy. She has been committed to promoting diversity for over 16 years, is very active in the community and has worked with many organizations on matters affecting youth and education. She spent two years at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater studying Communication, she holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Illinois at Springfield and a D.N. from the Chicago National College of Naprapathy. Upon graduation she received the following accolades; Highest Clinical award, Clinical Professionalism award, Special award for treating over 1,700 patients as an intern. In private practice for over 15 years, Dr. Wade is a board member of the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation Naprapathic Examining Committee and a Board member of the North American Naprapathic Association. She also served on the Education Committee of Chicago's Far South-Suburban Chapter of the NAACP. Dr. Wade was a substitute teacher on the Navajo Indian Reservation, in Shiprock New Mexico. She worked as head page in the Illinois State Senate during the 81st, 82nd and 83rd General Assembly. She is a member of the Margate Park Block Club located in the Uptown Community, and serves on the following committees: the McCutcheon School initiatives, membership and block/community enrichment program. Chicago Public Schools vender.
In 1992, Dr.Wade's passion for mentoring children and youth lead her to develop the Polite and Powerful Project at the Fourth Presbyterian Church "Kids Café". The program was started to raise awareness in young children of the importance of being polite, self-confident and respectful individuals. The program includes the family and helps develop life and social skills. Over the years, she has presented workshops in after school programs, and many other youth serving organizations. Some of the schools and organizations include: Schiller Elementary, Gale Community Academy, Stockton Elementary, McCutcheon Elementary, Austin Community Academy High, Gwendolyn Brooks Junior High, Jane Addams High, Stockton Boys and Girls Club, Gill Park District Summer Day Program, Kennicott Park/Youth and Family Resource Center, the Girl Scouts of Chicago and C.A.P.S - 023rd District.
In 2006, the Polite and Powerful Project became an Illinois Not-For-Profit organization and was renamed the Polite and Powerful Children's Foundation. Dr. Wade continues to facilitate the program with passion and commitment. She looks forward to the program becoming citywide, and envisions using it to help make Chicago the #1 courteous city in the world by educating and training youth-Chicagoans to behave as ambassadors in the event Chicago has the honor to host the 2016 World Olympics. The eyes of the world are always on our "World Class City" Chicago.
5056 N. Sheridan Road, Box 40 Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 561.5676 Fax: (773) 561.7646