With my heels dragging, I'm entering the world of Web 2.0! Now that I'm getting there, am very excited and looking for additional resources for hosting pages. I have a Top Producer main page which is fine, but being table based it evidently isn't optimized for Google, and I want to add widgets, and other interactive tools in some additional pages that I already own the domains for.
I'm looking for a reasonable resource that looks good, and is easy to edit. I tried to create my own page on www.1and1.com but it looked terrible after all that work.
Does anyone have a vendor or consultant they would recommend?
Please email me at Info@Susanna4Kauai.com or visit my website at www.Susanna4Kauai.com.
Sending warm aloha from the islands,
Susanna Kunkel, RA, ePRO
Prudential All Star Realty