Plano has just been ranked #1 in the 2008 Salary Value Index provided by It was compiled of 69 cities with a population of more than 250,000 people, and ranked the cities on building personal wealth and raising a family. You can find the article here on the Dallas Business Journal website.
Plano is one of the top cities in the D/FW area, and now it's getting recognized on a national level. Plano's strong school system and high saturation of company headquarters makes it the perfect place to buy a home and raise a family. Job opportunities are endless with the amount of company headquarters, and allows people to build wealth with large companies. I feel that this is great for the economy of Plano, because it will bring in more people and companies into the area. Also, it will help out our housing market by bringing in more people to buy and rent homes in the area. For more information on the Plano area or other areas in D/FW please contact us at or call 214-505-9420.