
Sharing an office space with a *talkative* agent

Real Estate Agent with Century 21

I spoke with a fellow agent today who complained about that. She had an office space she shared with another agent in her office. They get along well so that is not the issue. The problem is that she cannot get much done when she's in the office. No, she is not hyperactive or anything of that sort that would hinder her ability to work. The problem is her fellow agent that she is sharing the office with. This agent talks too much while she is trying to get some work done and it is a distraction for her.

She is the type who would like some quiet time in order to accomplish her daily tasks. It is amazing how some people are just chatter boxes. It is great for socializing but it can be a burden when it is affecting others in the office. Moreover, the fellow agent talks loudly while on the phone with clients and it interferes with her conversations when she is also on the phone. I can see trying to be productive but having these pitfalls can be a roadblock to succeeding in your business. She does not want to offend the fellow agent by telling her that it is a distraction. I suggests that she find a conference room if she needs some quiet time to get her work done. Maybe that may help to ease some of the problems.

Does anyone share this same problem in your office? What would you have done?





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Carol Zingone
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty - Jacksonville Beach, FL
Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS

There are some people who work for the social aspect - it's amazing to me personally, but they really do. I agree with Linda above: she should do her quiet work at home, and limit her  time in the office.  Or, could she do her office work at a different time?

Jul 28, 2008 12:43 AM
Jim Crawford
Long & Foster - Fredericksburg, VA
Jim Crawford Broker Associate Fredericksburg VA

I have an office at the office, and one home.  Tell the broker and change rooms. NEXT!

Jul 28, 2008 01:41 AM
RE/MAX Shoreline - Portsmouth, NH
Buying or Selling? Ann & Jim are the local experts

Like Jim Crawford I have an office at home I do most of my work that requires lots of concentration. My office at the company is for meeting clients and that sort of thing.

Jul 28, 2008 02:12 AM
Tina Maraj
RE/MAX One - Fullerton, CA
Celebrating 30 Years of Real Estate Sales

This post resembles ME. I talk a lot and very loudly. I think that is why I am in a private office. To save me fellow agents!

Jul 28, 2008 04:06 AM
Pat Haddad, ABR, CRS, ePRO, GRI
Keller Williams Indianapolis Metro NE - Carmel, IN
Carmel, Fishers, Westfield IN Real Estate Expert

I pay for an office for  my assistants to work out of, but I could never get anything done if I had to be there.  Just their questions alone would drive me crazy.  I do agree with the Cape Coral FL post that new agents should try to spend a lot of time in the office--to soak up like a sponge anything they can!

Jul 28, 2008 07:49 AM
Earleene Woods
Keller Williams Experience Realty - Murray, KY

I have been in for over 20 years and have had my own office or shared with one person until I was thrown into a bullpen 2 years ago.  I will have to say there are advantages to both ways.  I have learned to stay home and work when I have a deadline to meet so that I am not distracted.  It also helps if you love the people you work with!!! 

Jul 28, 2008 10:03 AM
Edie Lomason
Michael Saunders & Company - Venice, FL

I was in an office atmosphere and discovered that I was the only one with any technology skills.  Agents were asking me for hlep all the time.  I felt as if I was their assitant - unpaid. 

I have worked out of my home now for 5 years and really do miss the interaction with other agents. 

Jul 29, 2008 07:17 AM
John Doe
None - Lancaster, PA

Talking isn't a problem in our office. At least not for me. I wouldn't want to work from home at this point. I like hearing the sounds of other agents doing transactions. Each person has their own way of intereacting with customers. It's interesting and helps me continue to think about how I present myself.

Jul 30, 2008 02:50 AM
Brian Kreick
Willinger Real Estate - Wenatchee, WA

Thats why I work at home and don't have to worry about it.  I would tell her that I have some work I need to get done.  She should get the hint.

Jul 30, 2008 01:18 PM
Dianne Deming
RE/MAX Realty Group - Rehoboth Beach, DE

Whenever someone in our "open" office needs to make a private call, we do it from our cell phones in the parking lot.  If we need our computer and quiet, we ask everyone to please keep it down b/c we can't hear.  If it's said politely and with respect, there is no reason for the talkers to take offense.

Aug 01, 2008 08:39 AM
Chris Rosendale
CR REALTY - Centreville, MD
Maryland Realtor

Some peopl are just rude and have know respect for people that are trying to work in the same room. It sounds like in this case they are not being rude just the person they happen to be. I think if it was me I would maybe take them to lunch and try and ask if there was anything I could do to help them get more work done or anything like that. Then maybe that will let you slide it out there. Your a nice person, I enjoy working with you very much, But during work I am the type of person who does not like to do a lot of talking cause I need to get things done. Then ask if they could tone it down a little. If they get mad over that then you go higher, I mean your only trying to work thats what your there for

Aug 01, 2008 08:40 AM
Debbie Small
Long & Foster Realtors - Martinsburg, WV

LOL, I read this post a few days ago and didn't comment but it was really on my mind yesterday when I asked by office companion how much caffeine she'd had. She even walks loud.

Aug 01, 2008 06:43 PM
Christina Williams. REALTOR® TN property search & local insights
First Realty Company - Crossville, TN

I see that alot of Realtors share this situation.  I'm near a talktive agent but I have a seperate office where I can close the door if needed!   Maybe she can request another space.

Aug 03, 2008 01:34 AM
Sonja Priebe
City Realty Inc. - Olympia, WA

I had to move my office home.  I would go into the office to do something that should take 1 hr & it would take me 2 hrs or more. This was mostly due to getting into conversations at the office. With other agents & office staff.  I have to admit I am a chatty one too, so I am not blaming them.  So I moved my office home & I get a lot done here. I still go in when I need to & give myself a talking limit, so others will continue to like seeing me. I think as good Realtors we need the gift of gap so to speak, we just need to be mind-full of others.  I do find when the conversaion is about  real estate related isuues we should share our stories, it helps.

Aug 04, 2008 11:11 AM
Celina Gleason
AgentOwned Realty - Manning, SC

I've worked in both environments.  I do my best work in my home office; however, I miss out on a lot of local news because I'm not in the office to hear the office networking chatter. 

I have to say though, that I have lost two sales in the past to an agent who "overheard" me talking to my clients about their offers.  Our office walls seem to be made of PAPER!  I'm not a loud talker - I just have nosey cohorts.  When this agent heard me talking to my clients about XYZ property, they remembered they had clients looking in that area too!  They, being the bulldog determined agents they are talked their clients into full price offers w/ no contingencies.   GRRRR!  

Kind of drove me to do the home office thing. 

Aug 04, 2008 02:41 PM
Latonia Parks
Top Bragg Realty, Fayetteville NC, Home of the 82d ABN DIV - Fayetteville, NC
Certified Military Relocation Expert

That would drive me absolutely crazy.  I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm but she has to be told you have work to do.

Aug 05, 2008 02:12 PM
Janice MacMillan
ERA Joyner Realty - Valdosta, GA
Associate Broker

I would have a hard time working in that kind of atmosphere. I get distracted easily. What do you do when your on the phone or have a client in your office?

Celina - Our office is the same way. Voices just echo down the hallway. Everyone can hear what everyone else is talking about. I have at times shut my door and have tried to talk softly while on the phone, just so the other agents could not hear what I was talking about.

Aug 09, 2008 11:55 AM
Linda Jandura
Raleigh Cary Realty - Apex, NC
Realtor, North Carolina Buyer & Seller Specialist

How about getting an IPod and some earphones everyone?

When I first started in Real Estate, I had a cubicle in a large office. The other agents voices didn't bother me too much, but I was dismayed to find that things would go missing off my desk! A letter I would have been working on before lunch was missing when I came back from lunch.

For a few years I worked in an office with my partner Craig, which was great for us, but because we are social people, we had a lot of interruptions. I once counted 6 people coming in to chat before lunch! Yes the door was closed all the time! (and yes, we did get comments about that too!

I've just started working from home, and find that I make a list in the morning and get more done in one day then I would have in a week. The rest of the days I go out and be social on my time!

Have a great Tuesday!

Aug 11, 2008 01:16 PM
Freddy A. Saavedra
Essential Properties - Goodyear, AZ

I actually left my home office for that reason, because I couldnt get anything done, and in the corporate office although we do have some loud agents it doesnt put a period on my day as when my son wants me to watch Elmo's world, lol.

Aug 13, 2008 05:05 AM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

That's why I work from home where no one distrusts me with chats. Because I love to talk to people about life, relationships, love.... To stay focused, I prefer a quiet environment:) 

Aug 06, 2017 11:48 AM