
A Realtor® Is a Locavore!

Real Estate Agent with Jack Conway & Co.

A Realtor® is a Locavore

Locavore - one who supports, consumes, sustains all that is local. I was thinking about this newly coined term and how it applies to my real estate business and my actions as a Realtor®.  As a Realtor®, I not only assist people buying and selling properties, I also generate millions of dollars of transactions, I purchase and use the services of other local businesses, and work as part of the fabric of my community seeking solutions to affordable housing, bringing new residents and growth to my community which in turn generates tax revenues and new customers for the local economy. I provide employment to others, from the person who maintains my office and keeps it sparkling clean, to all the trades that I call on to fix and repair a property hours before a sale is closed, or days before a property is put on the market.

In Falmouth, MA, it is easy to be a locovore during the summer. Using my membership to Coonamessett Farm I can pick fresh vegetables and herbs as I meander through the rows of well tended plants. I can go to the hen house and find eggs, and also have fresh cut flowers spilling from my basket as I head towards the farm stand to pay the local owners.

Everyday the bounty of the sea lands right here at the town dock where I can purchase just caught fish and lobsters directly from the fisherman or steps away at the local fish monger. From the sea to my plate, all within hours, all local, all fresh, all my part of the cycle as a locavore.