I've learned an interesting lesson the last few weeks.
It's foolish to assume that you can control either side of the transaction, no matter what is at stake. I imagine there are a lot of "well duh"'s out there after reading that sentence. But I hope I'm not the only one that had to learn this the hard way.
Also... it seems some buyers think it's okay to simply look up the seller's number and start calling him/her directly, I mean, a lowly agent like myself cannot be trusted, it's best to go around me lol.
Some buyers think it's okay to just send people to check out the house the sellers still own and live in.... with no notice to the agent or the seller in any fashion. You're doing dishes enjoying yourself one minute, and the next, someone's stomping around on your roof... ok...
Some buyers think it's okay to just come on over to the sellers house that they live in and own and go ahead and mow the lawn without permission or regard for general manners and basic respect or that little thing called "trespassing".
The list is quite endless actually, and some buyers apparently do ALL of these things.
What happened to common courtesy, a simple phone call to the agent, basic "requests", permission, etc.?
Some folks remind me that some things just don't have a price on them, the simple answer is "no".
Even though showing the proper respect generally gets a quick "yes".
I guess some folks are above the rules and I cannot control that.