As the title agent in my BNI group it is only natural for me to be able to refer and receive business from the Realtor and mortgage broker in my BNI Chapter. Since I joined BNI two years ago I have seen both the original Realtor and mortgage broker leave our chapter (one transferred to a different BNI chapter that fit his schedule better, the other left the mortgage business to pursue other interests). It has taken some time to build my power team and to form new relationships with the new mortgage broker and Realtor in our chapter, but it is finally paying off for all involved.
Through our power team (which includes myself as title agent, a realtor, mortgage broker, insurance [homeowners] agent, home inspector, contractor, plumber, HVAC installer, and electrician) we have all been able to work together, pool our talents and resources, and create an environment that has generated business for everyone. We started holding more regular power team meetings outside of our weekly BNI meetings and got to know each other better and more about each other's business and ideal referrals. We create marketing strategies together, share ideas, network together and we are now doing speaking engagements and seminars together as a group for the benefit of all.
Although it has taken some time to get everyone on the same page and our team operating as a team, it has paid off and has been very enlightening for everyone. When forming your power team in your BNI chapter, be sure that all involved have the same level of dedication and commitment to each other (if they don't, they shouldn't be in BNI in the first place) and really stick by the motto of 'giver's gain'. Look for ideas that will benefit others and not just yourself. Be involved with as much as possible and earn the trust of your collegues. Once you have your power team together and everyone is doing their part for the greater good of the team you will see and reap the benefits of your BNI power team. Everyone is there to grow their business through referrals, and there is no better way to generate more referrals than to work with the people who are in similar fields that compliment each other and can share and refer common clients.