
What does it take, will it take, for a live!

Real Estate Agent with US ECO-GREEN REAL ESTATE INC.

To understand what I would like to convey, a little ground work needs to be done. Ask your self this question. In the last few days what have you complained about. The heat, rain, to much wind, not enough traffic in that listing you have had for the last eight months, sellers are not listening, buyers can't get a loan.

Any thing, wether you consider it to be big or little in your life.

Now ask yourself another question. How have I helped the situation by complaining about what ever it is I'm not happy with. If you are speaking with someone about these troubles, they probably are thinking to them selves, yeah yeah yeah take a number buddy and get in line. We all (think we) have something to go off on these days.

For myself I really experienced an eye opener. This past Monday I visited the Leukemia, Lymphoma section of the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, were I met some really brave little souls ranging in age from 2 to 14. And the one thing that really inspired me was none of them had anything negative to say and I think they had every right to complain.

I spoke with a 13 year old boy named Augustine that had just under gone a round of chemo the day before and he was not able to move his legs. He said every time he has his treatment this happens. I also met an 8 year old girl named Sarah, she is in her third relapse of Leukemia. These kids had an excellent reason to complain...........But they don't.

Here's my point, when we think that nothing is going our way, what ever you are going through and the outcome is not what you had planed or envisioned. My advice to you would be "let it go" don't dwell on what is not going right, dwell on creating a solution, there are worse things in life that can happen. Be grateful you don't have to go through what these kids are going through.

Now the pitch. I am involved in raising money for a cure for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and they could really use your help. For more info please visit this site, I promise you it will only take a minute to read the content, it is only a couple of short paragraphs. What ever you are able to do would be greatly appreciated.

Rob Baldwin

P.S. I know that those kids would be grateful if you passed this along to others, for them.


Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

Rob - This is what I like to think of as "big stuff".  So many of the things that we complain about are "small stuff".  Thanks for the reminder. 

Jul 23, 2008 05:42 PM
Dick Betts
REALTOR® The Villages, Florida

You know when you see others that are far worst then us we need to take a second look at our life.  I will look into what I can do locally

Jul 23, 2008 05:56 PM
Lynda Eisenmann
Preferred Home Brokers - Brea, CA
Broker Associate ,CRS,GRI,SRES, Brea,CA, Orange Co

Hi Rob,

Thank you so much for doing this! You are so night, there is nothing like a visit to a cancer ward in a pediatric hospital to put things into proper perspective for anyone.

I took this photo a little over a year ago, this is Katie my (then 5 year old) granddaughter, she was in CHOC (Children's Hospital of Orange Co.)and ddiagnosed with Leukemia. As you can imagine it was heart breaking for all of our family. Since then she's been bald, and swollen from the chemo and steroids. However the good news, is that she is doing very well now although still on chemo treatments.  These kids are amazing, they have the best attitude!

Good luck in your fund raising, so are you biking our running a marathon? I done both and been surrounded by many TNT folks in mulitiple times. My hat is off to you, thank you so much for all that you are doing!

BTW, I hope you don't mind me posting her photo, I just wanted to share how so many of us are impacted, even here in the Rain.

Jul 23, 2008 06:19 PM
Martin Rodriguez
Pacific Funding - Valencia, CA
Senior Loan Consultant
Rob, Your heart is always in the right place. martin.
Jul 24, 2008 03:51 AM
Rob Baldwin
REALTOR, Santa Clarita

Hey guys, thanks for posting your comments. Sorry I am tardy in responding.

Lynda: I don't mind, in fact I am glad that you did. Thank you for your comments. I am running in the Nike womens marathon held in San Francisco later in October.

Martin: I love those little guys!

Thanks Dick

Jason: you are welcome.

Jul 29, 2008 03:47 AM