How to Make Your Own Yoghurt
You will need the following:
Your favorite brand of yoghurt, the lunch sized one. The most important part when you are choosing the seed for your yoghurt is that it contains live culture. The brand does not matter.
One quart of fresh milk
A space where you can let your culture grow. I use my gas oven to do this. The pilot light allows the temperature to be about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a maximum of 110 degrees Fahrenheit.(note: In India, they just leave the culture at room temperature and it is fine if you leave your culture outside where it is not airconditioned, as long as it is covered with cloth to let the culture have some air).
A capsule of Lactobacillus acidophilus 2 million (available at any healthfood store). The bottle comes in many sizes. The capsules typically carry 1 to 2 million freeze dried Lactobacillus acidophilus cells. The capsule can be opened very easily. Store the rest of the unused capsules in the refrigerator. You will need it for the next time you have to make yoghurt.
Container for the yoghurt you are making (you can apportion these to small containers or a big tub such as a used ice cream container after it has been cleaned and dried thoroughly.
Some canned fruits if you prefer. Drain the syrup.
The hard part was getting all your ingredients together, as well as finding a place to put it.
Now comes the easy part.
Put the quart of milk in a container that will allow you to stir it.
Add your seed which is the yoghurt that you got and the contents of one capsule of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Stir with a spatula for about one minute.
Apportion your culture into the containers. Add fruit if you like.
Place the containers where it has the right temperature. If you are putting it at a 110 degrees, then it should be ready in about 18 hours. If you are putting it elsewhere where the temperature is below 110 degrees, you may have to wait for 24 hours.
You will know when it is ready because it has hardened. You may now store it in the refrigerator.