
Cool Marketing idea

Services for Real Estate Pros with Welcome Home Magazine

Check out this link regarding customized domain names for listing and corresponding sign riders.  A good way to move inventory, keep sellers happy and get new listings.

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Mary Sitton Real Estate Team
Mary Sitton Real Estate Team - - Hendersonville, NC
Realtor® - Western North Carolina

Thank you for sharing.  There is also a company called that I believe offers the same service but it's 14.99 per web domain purchase.

Jul 26, 2008 11:46 PM
Sheila Reeves
Allen Tate Realtors - Greenville, SC

There are many who offer this service, some more expensive than others.  Buyer Acquire is one of them.  I began doing the domain names for each listing address about 5 years ago and it just didn't take off at that time, maybe because the buying public was not using the Internet as much then.

Jul 26, 2008 11:54 PM
Rebecca Schrader
Competitive Insurance of Dundee - Dundee, FL

Why not use the seller's  That would be cheap and cool.

Jul 27, 2008 12:08 AM