Lead Sharing, in my opinion, is what B2B social networking should be all about. Now, there are so many social networks such as:
to name just a few. The question is.. why use them if you can't share a lead that can be tracked throughout the lead life. Now, I do understand that building a community around you is very important. I understand that, but as I continue to build traffic to my sites, I want to share my leads with people who I know will work them.
Masterdigm CRM has the capbility to offer Brokers across the US to share leads while monitoring the actual conversation log given the another broker across the state for example. I built this because of my struggle to follow up.
As a broker, I've noticed that I had shared many leads throughout the last few years but I didn't have the wherewithall to follow up properly.
Now, I am a proponent of these other social networks, but I also want to get paid my split if I share a lead as well.
Anyway, does anyone else know of a lead sharing system where you can see the lead in some elses customer relationship management software?
I would be interested in hearing what others would like to see. So.. have you shared a lead but lost touch of that other agent or broker? If you did, this system can help.
With that said, I am working as a Broker and building an application that may help myself and others build their lead sharing network.