
Historic Preservation, Asheville, N.C. Style. The Griffin Award.

Real Estate Broker/Owner with REAL ESTATE REFERRAL NETWORK 209970

Asheville, North Carolina is noted for incredible historic buildings. There is a great deal of interest in our area around historic preservation, as you might expect.  Many of us are at work to sustain the heritage and the sense of place that is Asheville ...and this  work involves preserving the unique historic resources we are so proud of here.

The Preservation Society of Asheville and Buncombe County founded in 1976,  has "provided critical leadership in local efforts to preserve the rich cultural legacy of the region through four primary areas of activity: advocacy, education, technical preservation assistance, and historic property intervention."

 griffin asheville north carolina symbol for preservationYou may have heard of the  mythological animal sometimes placed at the entrance of buildings to protect those who entered...the griffin.  Well...Asheville has its very own  griffin. When you come to visit or live here, be sure to see it at the Grove Arcade. . Why am I mentioning this? Because the griffinis Asheville's symbol  for   protection and preservation of  beautiful historic buildings. The Preservation Society has adopted it  and  each year accepts nominations from individuals, companies, organizations who all may  nominate projects, persons, or groups to receive the  Griffin Award.


The Griffin Award is  given for "outstanding preservation projects and individuals that further the goals of historic preservation in Asheville and Buncombe County."

Past awards have recognized a broad range of preservation efforts such as "residential or commercial rehabilitation; restoration; stewardship; new construction in historic districts; research/publication; leadership; interior residential rehabilitation; interior commercial rehabilitation; and adaptive reuse. "

No wonder Asheville is not only a treasured destination for many visitors, but home to creative people interested in a sustainable community.


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Leslie Godbold
WZGM AM1350 Independent Asheville Radio - Asheville, NC
Motivation Speaker, Radio host "Positively Living"

JaneAnne, I LOVE YOUR BLOG. Thank You. 

Asheville has so much to offer. Thankfully many citizens here are actively preserving the many aspects that makes Asheville so great! 

I have to comment on my husband for receiving one of the awards you mention. James Godbold Jr was awarded a Griffin Award last year for "Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to Historic Preservation" for Residential Rehabilitation.

There are many people in Asheville that work passionately to preserve treasures.(our mountains, land, streams , forest, buildings, water, air,history  and much more.) 

 Thank you JaneAnne for all you have done to Preserve  Asheville for all to enjoy!


Mar 21, 2007 03:30 AM
Dear Leslie...10,000 Happy Bows to you and James...and glad to be a part of it all. I love the idea of stewardship!  Check out my column in the New Life Journal for connections for a sustainable community here in the Greater Asheville area. Thank you for your kind comment!
Mar 25, 2007 05:18 PM