Currently, there are 105 Active listings on the MLS in Cooper City, Florida. They range between $400K-$499K all within a 4 mile radius. I have this listing in which the seller continues to ask "Why isn`t My Home not Selling?" With so much glut on the market it seems that the more I explain about "Price and Aesthetics" being the number 1and 2 factor in selling a home in today`s market, the more they seem to be in denial. I have recommended to these sellers that they need to take a look at the kitchen and bathrooms they need to be modernized, the tiled floors need to be grouted and polished,the landscaping re-done, and interior and exterior painting need to be addressed.
The competition is too fierce not to have your home in Tip Top Shape! This listing in particular that I mentioned has 12 year old kitchen appliances, needs a paint job desperately, they tell me "My Home is in great condition, it`s you who can`t do the job!" They want Top Dollar for a home that quite frankly in it`s current state will never sell.
Like many other Realtors in South Florida and the rest of the country, I`m very curious how the Real Estate market will play out within the next 6 months. Will prices drop,will Sellers take their homes off the market, until market conditions improve, will interest rates correct themselves and move down? To see 105 Listings in an area that is only 11 miles in radius is quite astounding...