

Mortgage and Lending with The Primary Mortgage Group

Today on the news many adds are calling to get out of this program and get into a 30 yr fxed program to proetect yourself.    You really need to have a mortgage review to see if that is in your best interest.   We have a Dental Check up every 6 months.   We file our taxes every year.   We change the oil in our car every 3,000 miles.   Why not contastly be examining  your plan to see where you are and if there is any room for improvement.   With the eceonomy in the state it is in now, you may actually see a lower lending % by staying in your existing plan.   If you were a prime borrower and have a 3/5/7 yr program that is due to adjust this calender year of 08.   Examine your index, your margin, and you have a lower % than what you have now, all for not panicking and listening to the advertisement.   Which it is doing what is supposed to do, making you nervous.    To avoid the pain of a supposvily higher lending rate, is much more of a motivator than to realize you are in the right plan.